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The Answers Book for Kids, Volume 3

22 Questions from Kids on God and the Bible

Written by Ken Ham and Cindy Malott
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  • Format: fixed-layout epub, mobi, pdf
  • Dimensions:
  • Length: 48 pages
  • Technicality: Children
  • Ages: 6 through 11
  • Publisher: Master Books
  • Published: 2009
  • ID: None
  • SKU: 90-3-072
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

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Even adults struggle to understand our Creator—the infinite Being who seeks a personal relationship with each of us. Now kids can begin to understand both God’s Holy Word and the importance of Him in their lives!

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Finally—an answers book suitable for kids!

Even adults struggle to understand our Creator—the infinite Being who seeks a personal relationship with each of us. Now kids can begin to understand both God’s Holy Word and the importance of Him in their lives—what He expects from them, why it is vital to follow His plan for their lives, and the love He has for them.

This book will give you the opportunity to leave a legacy to the children in your life. A legacy of trust in God and His Word.

The Answers Book for Kids series is a unique collection from Ken Ham and the creative team at Answers in Genesis. Other books in the series include:

Volume 3’s questions

  1. I don't know if I believe in God because, I mean, who made God anyway?
  2. What does God look like?
  3. Where is God? Why can't I see him?
  4. How big is God?
  5. How does God get his power? Where does He get it from?
  6. Does God laugh?
  7. How does God know something before it happens?
  8. How could God be Jesus and Jesus be God? How can they be the same, but different?
  9. Is the Holy Spirit even with God?
  10. Why can't I hear God talking to me?
  11. How do we know that God really answers prayers? Couldn't it be just a coincidence?
  12. Why did God create sin?
  13. In the Bible God is a God of second chances. God gives us a second chance when we sin. So, why didn't God give Adam and Eve a second chance in the Garden of Eden even though they sinned?
  14. Why did God allow the Israelites to kill people?
  15. Why did God create us?
  16. How did the authors of the Bible know what all God did? During the creation, since there was no one to see what He did, how do we know what really happened?
  17. Where did the Bible come from?
  18. How did God communicate with Moses?
  19. Just why is the Bible true? I believe but I just don’t understand why it’s true.
  20. Why is it that whenever I mention anything about the Bible in school I get into trouble?
  21. Why don't we see miracles like they used to in the Bible?
  22. Why do people believe different things?

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