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  • Buddy Davis Music Legacy USB
    Buddy Davis Music Legacy USB

    Featuring music from decades of ministry and 18 albums, this ultimate collection includes bluegrass, country, hymns, originals, and children’s tunes, 234 songs all performed by Buddy. It’s a collection for the whole family! Over $300 value!

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  • Buddy Davis' Amazing Adventure 6-DVD Combo
    Buddy Davis' Amazing Adventure 6-DVD Combo

    Now you can join adventurer Buddy Davis on six exciting adventures: kayaking among ice bergs, a trek through beautiful Alaska, an amazing world beneath the earth, a dinosaur dig in the Badlands of Montana, a journey through the everglades, and walking with lions. This real-life dinosaur researcher inspires kids with his solid creation teaching and infectious passion for the gospel.

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  • Dinosaurs And More
    Dinosaurs And More

    Understanding dinosaurs can make or break the faith of a child. Combining music and humor with crucial teaching, Ken and Buddy take kids (and adults!) on an exciting ride through the 7 C's of History and the 7 Ages of Dinosaurs.

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  • Buddy's Crazy True-Life Adventures
    Buddy's Crazy True-Life Adventures

    In this book, Buddy, the Creator-honoring adventurer, gathers his readers around an imaginary campfire and shares one incredible story after another. And each one actually happened! Give Buddy’s Crazy True-Life Adventures to family and friends, and get one for yourself too!

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Buddy Davis

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