Don’t let the movie trailers fool you.
Niko Tavernis © MMXIII Paramount Pictures Corporation and Regency Engtertainment (USA), Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Actor Russell Crowe was hoping that his new film Noah would be a blockbuster biblical epic.
Don’t let the movie trailers fool you. Appearances to the contrary, Noah’s cleverly edited promos do not reflect the film’s wholesale departure from the Genesis account of the Ark. Early previews tell of a deranged Noah, a witch-doctor-like Methuselah, and bizarre extrabiblical elements, such as rock-like creatures (apparently fallen angels) who help Noah build the Ark.
Despite negative feedback from several Christians who viewed a rough cut, director Darren Aronofsky remained adamant about not altering it. Unsuspecting moviegoers may be plopping down several bucks to watch the film because trailers suggest it is faithful to Genesis. But beyond the bizarre additions, the reviews reveal a rough cut that contradicts several key historical truths taught in Genesis 6–9.
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Hollywood is increasingly looking to the Bible for inspiration to churn out money-making films:
A closer look at the Genesis Flood account reveals a beautifully written, unified narrative that points to one inspired author. The passage masterfully highlights one central message: “God remembered Noah.” Along with in-depth articles on the Flood, this issue shows biblical and historical evidences of Christ’s Resurrection, new discoveries about the miracle of a butterfly’s metamorphosis and much more!
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