Flocking to Buy?

on October 1, 2007
Featured in Answers Magazine

After a movie-theater run, the light-hearted documentary “Flock of Dodos: The Evolution–Intelligent Design Circus” is now in stores for purchase.

It may now gain a larger audience, and the DVD’s release may appear on the “culture wars” radar over the next few weeks.

“Flock of Dodos” is a tongue-in-cheek film about the intelligent design/evolution debate seen in recent times. Surprisingly, filmmaker and evolutionist Randy Olson takes on both sides, not only calling many ID advocates “dodos,” but some evolutionary proponents as well.

Biblical creationists are largely excluded from the documentary, for young-earth creationists generally are not active in the ID movement.

Because of Olson’s somewhat even-handedness in covering the topic, it has been a concern for many evolutionists,1 even though the film eventually tilts in their favor.

Answers Magazine

October – December 2007

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  1. www.pandasthumb.org/archives/2007/02/flock_of_dodos_4.html See all footnotes


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