Besides changing colors and patterns, chameleons also “talk” to each other
by flattening themselves sideways to look taller, rocking from side to side,
curling and uncurling their tails and opening their mouths.
A chameleon’s tongue launches at more than 26 body lengths per second. It
accelerates from 0 to 20 feet per second in 20 milliseconds.1 At 50 g (50 times
the acceleration due to gravity), the acceleration is 5 times the acceleration
of a fighter jet.
Some chameleons eat leaves in addition to the standard insect fare. Occasionally,
they will launch their tongues at distant leaves and even water droplets. Perhaps
in a pre-Fall world, before Adam sinned, chameleons used their tongues in the
same fashion but ate only leaves. God foreknew the Fall, and His design of the
chameleon’s tongue would prove to be a great asset in the post-Fall world.
Chameleons can sharply focus on an object as little as one inch away.
Chameleons are usually very solitary. But sometimes you will see a pair of
them together or one male with several females.
Some chameleons will dig pits or tunnels to lay two to as many as eighty
eggs, depending on the species. Incubation can be as little as a month and a
half to as long as two years. Eggs within a clutch usually hatch within days
of each other. The offspring sometimes dig together to the surface, after which
they are on their own.
The babies of some species, especially those from mountainous environments,
develop completely inside the mother’s body. Shortly after birth, they break
free of the clear membrane encasing them.
Males most often have more elaborate ornamentations (such as the presence
of or a greater number of horns) and are more brightly colored than females.
In some species, however, females are extremely colorful, much more so than
the males.
Most chameleons are found in sub-Saharan Africa as well as on the island
country of Madagascar. Some are also found in northern Africa, southern Europe,
southern India, the Middle East, Sri Lanka, and several smaller islands in the
western Indian Ocean. They live in varied habitats, from rainforests to savannas
and even deserts.
Bijal P. Trivedi, “‘Catapults’ Give Chameleon Tongues Superspeed, Study Says” in National Geographic News, all footnotes