21 Bonus Articles—Best of the First 5 Years!

on July 1, 2011
Featured in Answers Magazine

When Answers in Genesis launched a new magazine five years ago, the vision was to reinforce the ministry’s God-honoring message: God’s Word is absolutely trustworthy, beginning in Genesis 1—it is the foundation for understanding our world, ourselves, our Maker, and His glorious plan of salvation through Christ.

Our goal has always been to provide quality resources that

  • excite readers about their Creator and Savior.
  • equip believers with answers for a doubting world.
  • challenge nonbelievers to hear and embrace the saving gospel of Jesus Christ.

May God help us over the coming years to get better and better at sharing His glory with our lost and dying world!

Best of the First Five Years

    2006 & 2007

  1. Two Fighting Dinosaurs?
  2. Escape from Darkness
  3. Thinking Outside the Box
  4. 2008

  5. The Big Bang
  6. The World in Revolt
  7. Lucy Was Buried First
  8. Symbiosis—The Cooperation of Life
  9. Transcontinental Rock Layers
  10. The Incredible, Evangelistic Egg
  11. 2009

  12. Finding God in Galapagos
  13. Our Suffering Savior
  14. The Most Horrific Graveyard in the World
  15. Going, Going . . . Gone
  16. Does Church Need Change?
  17. The Human Body—Wired for Extremes
  18. Skin
  19. 2010

  20. Sauropods Engineered for Size
  21. 10 Basics Every Creationist Must Know
  22. Exposing a Fundamental Compromise
  23. Water Striders—Walking on Water

Answers Magazine

July – September 2011

Answers magazine is now in its sixth year of publication. To celebrate, we’ve produced a special double-length issue that features “the best of the first five years.” In addition to our regular departments and many new articles, we show all our timeless favorites (making this a truly collectible edition!). This special commemorative issue also makes a great gift item, which you can share with others who need to be challenged, encouraged, and equipped with some of “the best” in modern biblical creationism!

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