A Staggering Opportunity for AiG

by Ken Ham on September 13, 2018
Featured in Letter from Ken

We have a staggering opportunity in front of us—one we would have never thought possible. At remarkable times like this, I’m reminded of these verses:

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us. (Ephesians 3:20)

For nothing will be impossible with God. (Luke 1:37)

A few weeks ago, I received a phone call from one of our supporters who had just watched a video of mine. It was a DVD that presented the central message of our ministry in a talk entitled “The Relevance of Genesis.”

In this presentation, I challenge Christians not to compromise God’s Word in Genesis, as much of the church is sadly doing—including the majority of Christian academics in seminaries, Christian colleges, and Bible schools. AiG wants to raise up generations who understand Bible doctrine and the gospel, and help them build a Christian worldview founded in God’s Word, beginning in Genesis chapters 1–11.

In the video, I also show the importance of equipping generations with answers to the secular objections of our day in regard to the truth of the Bible—plus the great need to teach apologetics, which unfortunately is missing from much of the church.

Sadly, most church leaders and professors in seminaries and Bible colleges have compromised Genesis with evolution/millions of years. Our research has shown clearly that this compromise in Genesis has greatly contributed to the exodus of so many young people from the church.

You may recall this graph from the Pew Research Center that I’ve shared with you before. It shows the decline in American church attendance by generation. It’s alarming! Today, only 18% of millennials attend church compared to 56% of the Greatest Generation. (“Religion Among the Millennials,” Pew Research Center, February 2010, A Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life Report.)

Religious Service Attendance

The supporter who called me recognized that the church is not impacting the culture as it used to—and needs to. This caller was burdened regarding what could be done to help wake up the church as, from a Christian perspective, the culture is being lost to secularism.

Interestingly, ever since we founded the AiG ministry in 1994 to what it has grown into today (the apologetics ministry actually began in our home in Australia 40 years ago), I always saw one main priority: be a ministry to the church first, to help call the church (as well as the whole culture) back to the authority of God’s Word beginning in Genesis.

I believe the compromised positions on Genesis that are so rife in the church are a major factor in why we see such a devastating loss of the church’s impact on the culture. But we do whatever we can to reach the world with the truth of God’s Word and the saving gospel message (e.g., through the Ark Encounter, Creation Museum, our popular websites, publications, media ministries, and so on).

This supporter then proposed something that I thought would be impossible. He said to me something like this: “Why don’t we mail a special resource to every church in America? And also offer them free tickets to your leading biblical attractions: the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum, plus the new Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC. Let’s try another avenue to greatly impact the church.”

The supporter added, “Let’s also offer them free downloads of AiG videos.”

Now, this AiG friend understood we just don’t have the finances to send out such a massive mailing. But the man told me he would raise the money—and he did!

Amazing! What a fantastic opportunity we now have!

After some discussion, we decided that this nationwide mailing would include my new book Gospel Reset and a brochure that promotes the following: the three biblical attractions; AiG’s 2019 VBS (which deals with the “race” issue for kids); and AiG’s unique, powerful four-year Sunday school/Bible curriculum for all ages, Answers Bible Curriculum.

The Gospel Reset book deals with the topic of how we can more effectively evangelize a secularized culture. It also clearly presents the gospel, founded in Genesis. We know that even with such rampant compromise on Genesis in the church, many church leaders do have a heart to reach people with the gospel.

And this book is in a handy, small format—it’s easy and quick to read. With a hard cover and many illustrations, it’s a very attractive publication.

The packages we are preparing right now to mail to 266,000 churches in America are sent in clear plastic. So when the package is received, this attractive book will be clearly visible. On the other side, a letter from me offers two free tickets for the church leader to visit the three biblical attractions, as well as access to several free video downloads.

When they open the package, church leaders will also see an attractive flyer promoting the biblical attractions, our VBS program, ABC curricula, and so on.

I still can’t believe this major outreach is happening! But the Lord miraculously opened this door!

Not only are these packages being mailed to 266,000 churches in America, they will also go to churches in Canada (15,000), Australia (9,500), New Zealand (1,400), and the United Kingdom (4,200)!

Yes, even theologically liberal churches will get this package. We want to impact them with the gospel through the book and the three biblical attractions—we pray they will take advantage of their free tickets.

Our publisher, Master Books, graciously agreed to print all the copies of the book for only their raw cost. That’s 300,000 copies! And Master Books is supervising the mailing for us at no charge. For AiG’s part, our staff organized the collection of church lists, created coupon codes, produced the attractive brochure, and developed the website pages. Yes, many people have been involved in this massive undertaking.

So this month, I’m pleading with you to please consider doing something we desperately need—please, please pray every day, especially throughout September, for this special mailing to churches.

Pray that church leaders will open the package, that they will read Gospel Reset and visit the three Bible-upholding attractions one day. Please pray, too, that these leaders will take advantage of the free video downloads and watch them, and see their churches impacted with biblical truths and the gospel.

And please pray that many churches will use AiG’s VBS in 2019 and AiG’s powerful four-year Bible apologetics curriculum that's biblical-authority based, chronological, and evangelistic.

May the Lord mightily bless the efforts of AiG supporters who have stepped out in faith to see this large mailing become a reality. Pray the Lord will hear and answer their/our prayers, that the church will be positively impacted by this venture.

Yes, God is a God of miracles. I stand in awe of what the Lord has already done through AiG in the overall ministry, including the building of the Ark and Creation Museum. I’m amazed at what I see the Lord doing each day through AiG’s multi-faceted outreaches. And we couldn’t do this without your help.

Thank you for faithfully supporting us with your prayers and finances as we work hard to engage in the business of the King until he comes, as taught in Luke 19:13: “Engage in business until I come.”

And please pray that the Lord will continue to burden people to support what I earnestly believe is a cutting-edge ministry, one that is so needed for the church and culture today. We continually work to reach people with the truth of God’s Word in so many ways—all made possible by the faithful support of so many.

Your support will help continue AiG’s outreach efforts to call the church back to the truth of God’s Word and the gospel.


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