“All eyes, despite their wonderous variety across lifeforms, come from a history of shared genes.” This statement comes from an article published recently.
Our vision of the world merely begins at our eyes. Take a deeper look at the wonders our brain performs every second to help us see.
We rely on our sight more than any other sense to help us interpret the world.
The light sensitive retina of the eye (which is really part of the brain) contains over 10 million photoreceptor cells.
Your eye’s complex ability to see color and motion points to the Creator. Even its limitations reveal His purposeful design.
“The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the Lord has made them both” (Proverbs 20:12).
PDF DownloadThe retinas of your eyes are made of living cells, which must be nourished by blood vessels. But with all this blood covering your eyes, how can you see?
The National Geographic article treats every aspect of our world of vision as evidence for evolution: eye diversity and the fact that eyes share common designs.
The ocelloid—a camera-like “eye” inside single-celled marine plankton—is an amazing design, but it does not represent an evolutionary triumph.
Two eyes are better than one. There’s more truth to that saying than you might realize.
Robert Kearns was inspired by the superb design of our eyelids.
Many people have claimed that Darwin doubted his theory by claiming it was absurd to think the human eye could have evolved. Is this argument valid?
The purpose of this second paper is to give an outline of the physiology of the brain’s control of eye movements as an outstanding example of a biological computerised control system.
This is the first of two papers whose aim is to review briefly how our eyes move and how eye movements are controlled, as another example of awe-inspiring precision engineering by the Almighty.
This article reviews reasons for our having the inverted retina and why the the verted retina would be liable to fail in creatures who have inverted retinas.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.