Ireland and Gay “Marriage”

by Ken Ham on May 23, 2015

It’s headline news around the world: “Ireland poised to legalize gay marriage as votes tallied.”

The USA Today article states, “Ireland was poised Saturday to become the first country to legalize same-sex marriage by national referendum, a vote that has highlighted the dramatic pace at which this traditionally conservative Catholic nation has changed in recent times.”

Really, such votes show the continued secularization of the Western world. There’s no doubt that the current generations have been educated to believe the Bible is not an infallible book and that supposed science has disproved the Bible’s history. The religion of naturalism (atheism) has really been imposed on Western nations by education systems, media, the Internet, and secular museums. At the same time, much of the Western church has allowed generations of kids to be trained by the secular world, and by and large the church has not countered the efforts of the secularists to reject the truth of God’s Word beginning in Genesis.

There’s no doubt that the current generations have been educated to believe the Bible is not an infallible book and that supposed science has disproved the Bible’s history.

Even in a once very Christianized culture like America, we are seeing the secularization of generations of people—and by and large it’s been a failure of the church and Christian families to equip generations to defend the Christian faith and stand uncompromisingly on the authority of the Word of God.

What has happened in Ireland in regard to gay “marriage” is around the corner for us in America with a US Supreme Court decision coming next month on gay “marriage.” The growing secularization of America has been revealed in the research Answers in Genesis has produced through America’s Research Group earlier this year. In the general population, we found that of those who regularly attended church as children, 22% of the 60s age group had stopped attending church, but 53% of those in their 20s had stopped attending. The culture generally is becoming more secular in its thinking.

In 2014, we contracted with ARG to do research on the 20s generation (often called “the millennials”) in our churches. The results of this research will be released in a new book we are publishing in the fall. From this study, we discovered the following for the 20s generation now still attending church regularly in America:

  • Over 40% state they are not born again.
  • 35% declare the Bible has errors or they don’t know if it has errors.
  • Close to 90% attended public school.
  • Over 20% left school believing the Bible was less true.
  • Over 45% said they were not taught to defend their faith in Sunday school.
  • 45% say either homosexual behavior is not a sin or they don’t know if it is a sin.
  • 40% believe “gay couples” should be allowed to marry and have legal rights, and an additional 10% say they don’t know if they should or not.
  • 20% believe there are other books other than the Bible that are inspired by God, and an additional 10% don’t know if there are.
  • 65% believe if you are a good person you will go to heaven.

There’s no doubt that the 20s generation both outside and inside the church is going to fundamentally change the church and the culture if America keeps going down the same path.

It is a failure of the church and Christian homes in not teaching generations of young people to defend the Christian faith.

Yes, it is a failure of the church and Christian homes in not teaching generations of young people to defend the Christian faith. Most church leaders and most parents have compromised God’s Word with evolutionary ideas and thus undermined the authority of the Word of God. And most children from church homes have been given to the state to educate in naturalistic evolutionary humanism! No wonder we have a major problem in the culture.

As a person in the 20s generation said to me just yesterday, “Yes, we are losing the 20s generation because much of the previous generation failed in standing uncompromisingly on God’s Word and teaching us to defend the Christian faith against secular attacks.”

Once you allow this generation to reject a literal Genesis, then marriage can be defined any way they want.

I define marriage the way the Creator of the universe did, the One who is the truth and the Word, and the One who invented marriage in the first place:

He answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two but one flesh.” (Matthew 19:4–6)

If the new generations do not believe that Genesis is literal history, then they are only being consistent when they vote for gay “marriage.”

Now think about it: if the new generations do not believe that Genesis is literal history, then they are only being consistent when they vote for gay “marriage.” If the foundation for marriage in Genesis is not true, then marriage can be anything anyone wants it to be.

The new generations who support gay “marriage” are only being consistent with how they build their worldview. In reality, gay “marriage” is not the problem—it’s a worldview issue, as more and more people are building their belief system on man’s word instead of God’s infallible Word.


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