Get Equipped for Summer Vacation

For most of us, summer means vacation: loading up suitcases, relaxing with a long-awaited book, and escaping to an exotic—or not-so-exotic—locale. No matter where you decide to go, however, one thing you are likely not to escape is the evolutionary and billions-of-years indoctrination from tour guides, park signs, and commercials.

If your vacation plans this summer include a trip to panoramic vistas, breathtaking waterfalls, or geological wonders, you will no doubt be told that science has “proven” that these amazing features developed over vast amounts of time. What you aren’t likely to hear is that this “proof” is merely an interpretation of the facts based on an anti-God philosophy. But that doesn’t mean you have to go unequipped.

Answers in Genesis wants you to get the full story behind these amazing parks and wonders before you pack up to go. That’s why we’re making available online these Wonders of Geology brochures on some of the most popular (and misconstrued) vacation attractions in North America, the United Kingdom, and Australia. These brochures will show you the secular version of how these features formed, what the Bible teaches about these monuments to God’s creative majesty and righteous judgment, and how the facts line up with what God’s Word says.

Be sure to take these brochures along with you so that you and your family will have the “complete” story—and then use them to witness to others at these locations as well. Simply download the free PDFs and print them out right now. You can even print on both sides of the page for a “brochure effect.”

Brochures in PDF

North America

Niagara Falls in North America

Niagara Falls

The grandeur and splendor of Niagara Falls entices every visitor to draw near to its edges and view its swirling, foaming waters. From the majestic Falls themselves to the walls of the Niagara Gorge, and from the buried fossils in rock layers to the steady recession of the Falls downriver, every part of Niagara Falls testifies to a biblical timescale and a worldwide Flood as recorded in Genesis 6–9.

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Petrified Forests in Yellowstone

Yellowstone National Park, America’s first National Park, includes over two million acres and covers parts of three states—Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. Its natural beauty and unique features continue to impress even the most frequent visitor. Once an active volcano, Yellowstone is now well known for its diverse wildlife, boiling mud pots, and numerous geysers and hot springs. In addition to its pristine beauty and natural features, Yellowstone is also known for some very unique forests—forests made of stone.

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Mount St. Helens

Mount St. Helens

For months, scientists cautiously awaited the certain eruption of Mount St. Helens. Instruments measured the volcano’s activities, and geologists gathered to study the volcano and its impact on the surrounding area. On May 18, 1980, just after 8:30 A.M. (PDT), an earthquake a mile beneath the volcano unleashed energy that had been confined for decades. The explosion not only changed the visage of that portion of the Cascades, but deeply shook the foundation of the geological timescale once believed to be “set in stone.”

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Dinosaur National Monument in Utah

Dinosaur National Monument in Utah

In its 210,000 acre (850 km2) park, Dinosaur National Monument houses one of the largest on-location dinosaur fossil displays in the entire world. The over 1,500 large fossil bones hint of a time long ago. However, the time may not be as long ago as many believe—depending on the worldview one has accepted.

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Devils Tower in Wyoming

Devils Tower in Wyoming

Towering above the flat landscape of Wyoming is one of the natural wonders of the world. Standing almost 1,300 feet (395 m) above the Belle Fourche River, Devils Tower is enjoyed by thousands of visitors each year and provides a challenge for any adventurous rock-climber. Devils Tower, an impressive formation amid a relatively flat region, raises natural questions among many viewers as to how it formed. Careful interpretation of the evidence in and around Devils Tower tells us the history.

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Cave Formations (Mammoth Caves in Kentucky and Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico)

Cave Formations (Mammoth Caves in Kentucky and Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico)

Underground worlds of mystery and grandeur, caves are labyrinths of passageways and streams, homes to unusual creatures and stunning formations. Two of the world’s most spectacular caves are Mammoth Caves in central Kentucky and Carlsbad Caverns in southeastern New Mexico. Mammoth is known for its long passages while Carlsbad is known for its large rooms and bat colonies. These two caves provide good examples of most of the caves found around the world—limestone caves.

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United Kingdom

White Cliffs of Dover

White Cliffs of Dover

Impressive and dramatic, the White Cliffs of Dover keep watch as a citadel over the southern entrance into the Strait of Dover, which separates England from France. These towering escarpments, stretching 10 miles (16 km) along the coast, not only guard England from its enemies but, more importantly, give tribute to the global Flood as described in Genesis 6–9.

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Giant’s Causeway of Northern Ireland

Giant’s Causeway of Northern Ireland

Giant’s Causeway with its unusual formations attracts thousands of visitors each year to Northern Ireland. Some geologists claim that the Causeway was formed over 60 million years ago by intermittent periods of volcanic activity. But other geologists, who approach Giant’s Causeway with a biblical understanding of the past, state that this wonder was formed around 4,500 years ago as a result of a single, great catastrophe.

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Uluru (Ayers Rock) in Australia

Uluru (Ayers Rock) in Australia

One of Australia’s most famous landmarks stands tall against the flat desert region of the “Red Center” of the Northern Territory. More than 400,000 visitors each year come to Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock. It is a monolith, like a huge boulder, that rises over 1,100 feet (340 m) above the desert plain, measures almost six miles (9.6 km) around its base and covers an area of over two square miles (3.2 km2).

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