The Geology Book, Lesson 10

Questions People Ask

These lessons are geared for middle-school students. Each lesson contains a series of questions to answer that pertain to the reading assignment.


These lessons are geared for middle-school students. Each lesson contains a series of questions to answer that pertain to the reading assignment. There is a section of each lesson for advanced students.

It is important that teachers prepare themselves by reading the stated pages prior to having the student read the assignment. If a child is not able to read yet, parents may wish to read the text to the student.


  • Pages 69–72


NOTE: This week’s questions are the same as the questions in the text. We recommend reading the relevant articles at Get Answers: Geology and Get Answers: Flood After reading the text and additional information, students should answer the questions in their own words.

  1. How was the Grand Canyon formed?
  2. What causes the geysers in Yellowstone Park?
  3. How did Niagara Falls form?
  4. Why are the Appalachian and Rocky Mountains so different?
  5. How long does it take to form petrified wood?
  6. How are stalactites and stalagmites formed?
  7. How is coal formed?
  8. How is natural gas formed?
  9. How is oil formed?
  10. Are dinosaur fossils the most abundant type of fossils?


  • volcanism


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