The Creation and Earth History Museum is a showcase for a literal six-day creation and young earth with an ever-growing emphasis on God’s design in creation.
Santee, California
Dr. Henry Morris’ Institute of Creation Research launched the Creation and Earth History Museum in 1992. For 20 years, ICR developed and grew the exhibits and following. Upon ICR’s move to Texas, the entire museum and its contents were sold to Scantibodies Laboratory, Inc.
Tom Cantor, the owner of Scantibodies Laboratory, Inc., and his wife Cheryl founded a non-profit 501c3 ministry called Light and Life Foundation. The Light and Life Foundation owns the museum.
Take a journey through time, and navigate your day through the Biblical account of Science and History. Our Museum exhibits include the six days of Creation, the Fall of Man, Noah’s Ark, Grand Canyon and Mt St Helens, Ice Age, Ancient Civilizations, the Hall of Scholars, Dinosaur Gardens, and our newest edition, the Human Anatomy Exhibit.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.