So You Want to Be a “Creation Scientist”

by Stacia McKeever on January 24, 2002

AiG receives numerous requests from students wanting to know how they can train to be “creation scientists.” We usually offer the following guidelines to these enquiring minds:

“Can you tell me how I can be a ‘creation scientist’?” AiG receives numerous requests from students wanting to know how they can train to be “creation scientists.” We usually offer the following guidelines to these enquiring minds:

  • There aren’t courses that train you to become a creation scientist. Rather a creation scientist is just a scientist who views the world from a “big picture” biblical perspective. I.e., the universe was originally created “very good” by God in six actual days a few thousand years ago; the world was marred by Adam’s sin, and later suffered the watery judgment of the global Flood, in which all air-breathing, land-dwelling animals (except those representatives on the Ark) died. These scientists use their experiments or research projects to “fill in” the Bible’s “big picture” and further our understanding of the world and universe. For example, some current hot topics are: What were the boundaries of the original created “kinds”? How is it possible that we see light from stars billions of light-years away? What is the creationist understanding of radioisotope dating?
  • Choose a field you’re interested in (e.g., biology, genetics, paleontology, geology, chemistry, botany, history, astronomy, physics, anatomy, geophysics… the list goes on and on) and study it, as well as the Bible, to the best of your ability.
  • Remember that we all (creationists and evolutionists) are dealing with the same “evidence,” but that we interpret it in different ways based on our presuppositions, or axioms. See Creation: “Where’s the Proof?”
  • Keep up-to-date on the latest news within the creation community by subscribing to Answers magazine and . Know which arguments not to use by continually checking this website and, in particular, “Arguments to Avoid.”
  • Understand the limits of “operational science” and “origins science,” the difference between the two, and how this relates to your chosen field.
  • Check out the biographies of some current researchers and scholars for ideas and information on what and where to study.
  • Be prepared to face criticism at secular (and some Christian) institutions. Be willing, and ready, to stand up for what you believe, and to provide an answer to everyone that asks you the reason for the hope you have with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15). See also Do Creationists Publish in Notable Refereed Journals?
  • Consider pursuing a post-graduate, or doctorate, in your field. (Note: Because of the intense persecution and potential discrimination, some have chosen to keep their biblical views “under wraps” until they receive their degrees.)

We trust that the Lord will continue to further His kingdom through this next generation of researchers, educators, scientists, etc. who are willing to submit themselves to the authority of His Word.


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