We are very excited about our upcoming Answers for Women’s conference, Defend: Ready to Give an Answer, taking place April 7–8, 2017. This popular conference has become so big that it has outgrown Legacy Hall here at the Creation Museum, so we moved it to Florence Baptist Church Mt. Zion to take advantage of a larger venue.
Why is this conference so popular? Well, I believe it’s because women are hungry for truth and the substance of God’s Word. This conference won’t be just “fluff and stuff” that appeals to the emotions, but instead we will be wrestling with important questions of our day in the powerful light of God’s Word. And there’s always teaching on apologetics.
This conference features a great line-up of talented and knowledgeable speakers including AiG’s Dr. Georgia Purdom and Tim Chaffey, as well as Dr. Corey Abney, Erin Benziger, Grace Mally, Marcia Montenegro, and Amy Spreeman with worship by Lori Jean Smith. These speakers will equip women with the tools to discern what is biblical truth and what is error within the church and so-called Christian resources. This is real, practical meat!
Here are what some of our speakers had to say about the timely topics they will be addressing.
“Unveiling New Age/Eastern Spirituality and the Dangers It Poses for the Church”
Marcia Montenegro was a professional astrologer before receiving Christ as her Savior. She says,
Ever since I came out of being in the New Age and Eastern beliefs for many years—through the grace of God—I have watched New Age and Eastern spiritual influences steadily penetrate Western culture and the church. . . . We will examine these issues from a biblical perspective and how to respond as Christians to the infiltration of these beliefs and practices in the culture and church.
“The Bible: Who Could Ask for Anything More?”
Erin Benziger is a blogger, podcast host, and writer. She will be speaking on the sufficiency of Scripture and some dangers of believing God “speaks” outside of Scripture. She says,
God, in His goodness, provided this written revelation of Himself so that there would be no misunderstanding as to who He is or what He has said. The Bible is a gracious gift from a loving God! Who could ask for anything more?
Yet, sadly, there are many who profess Christianity who do ask for more. They extol the validity of extrabiblical revelation through voices, visions, dreams, or nudges. These claims must be soberly examined, as they challenge the very teaching of Scripture itself.
“Do Heaven and Hell Really Exist?”
Dr. Corey Abney is a pastor and dynamic speaker. Here’s what he has to say about his upcoming presentation.
A flurry of best-selling books about heaven has flooded the market over the past decade. Several of the heavenly depictions are based on near-death experiences. . . . The question is, To what extent should Christians accept these depictions of heaven? More significantly, do heaven and hell exist at all?
You won’t want to miss this truth-packed conference! Registration includes admission to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter (the conference venue, Florence Baptist Church Mt. Zion is conveniently located halfway between both attractions), lunch on Saturday, 20% off admission to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter for an accompanying spouse and dependent children, and 10% off groups of five or more.
Learn more and register on the events page on our website.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.