Do Robots Help Us Understand Evolution?

by Ken Ham on August 6, 2016
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Can robots help scientists understand how the supposed first land animals moved 360 million years ago? Scientists have made this kind of claim before as they look to the alleged past for inspiration to solve technological problems. But what do these robots really show?

Well, let’s look at this new study regarding robots and the supposed first land animals. Evolutionists believe that somewhere around 360 million years ago “early terrestrial animals began moving about on mud and sand.” This new study looked at the African mudskipper fish and modeled a robot after it. The study concluded that the powerful tails that these supposed early terrestrial animals used as fish may have been important in helping them maneuver on the mud and sand since the mudskipper uses its tail, and the use of a tail significantly helped the robot.

Studying the way the mudskipper moves and the physics of different granular surfaces in order to develop a more effective robot is observational science.

Now, studying the way the mudskipper moves and the physics of different granular surfaces in order to develop a more effective robot is observational science. Scientists often look to nature for new and innovative ideas to solve problems. This is called biomimicry. This is solid science, and we hope the results will help researchers with their robot designs. But what about taking these observations and applying them to the unobservable past in their attempts to explain their faith-based evolutionary beliefs?

This is where the problem lies. No scientist was there to observe the supposed first terrestrial animal struggling through the mud, and this idea completely contradicts God’s Word and its creation account. Genesis tells us that God created sea creatures fully formed and functioning on Day Five and land animals fully formed and functioning on Day Six. A sea creature did not have to slowly evolve the ability to crawl onto land. This is an evolutionary assumption based on an interpretation of the past—it’s a belief. Actually, molecules-to-man evolution is the pagan religion of our day. It is an attempt to explain how life somehow arose by natural processes! It’s sad that many Christians take this pagan religion and try to fit it into the Bible, thus undermining the authority of God’s Word!

Computer modeling and an intelligently designed robot, based on the observable behavior of the mudskipper, don’t provide insight into evolution. They show that intelligent humans can look to God’s creation for inspiration to solve their technological problems! The mudskipper was marvelously designed to maneuver in both water and on land for short spans. Its design brings glory to the Creator.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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