New Book Selling like “Hotcakes” through Answers in Genesis

by Ken Ham on December 30, 2013


One of our long-time friends, Dr. Don DeYoung, president of the Creation Research Society and professor at Grace College and Seminary in Indiana, has written a science activity book for students that has been one of the recent bestsellers through our ministry.

Here is a news release about Dr. DeYoung’s new book—it has been slightly adapted here for my blog:


For more information: Media Relations Grace College and Seminary 200 Seminary Drive Winona Lake, IN 46590

Grace College Science Professor Publishes Hands-On Educational Book for Children

WINONA LAKE, IND. -- An esteemed Grace College professor has released a new children's book. Dr. Don DeYoung, chair of the science and mathematics department and professor of physics at Grace College, held a book signing on Tuesday, December 10 for "77 Fairly Safe Science Activities for Illustrating Bible Lessons." The book, published in September 2013, contains hands-on science activities and fun-filled demonstrations for revealing truths about God and creation. The experiments use common household objects, require little setup, and are illustrated with diagrams.

DeYoung is the author of several more books on science and the Bible, several of which feature a question-answer format with concise discussion of popular issues. He also conducts workshops for children with hands-on Bible-science activities and often speaks on creation, detailing how the intricacies of nature are a powerful testimony to the Creator's care for mankind.

He is the current president of the Creation Research Society, a worldwide group of scientists who promote biblical creation, fund research, and publish books and a technical quarterly journal. In addition, DeYoung writes and speaks for Answers in Genesis, a widely known apologetics ministry supporting young earth creation.

Don DeYoung BookPR-V2-Photo

"My purpose in writing is to interest all ages, from 5 to 95, in the study of the Bible and science," explained DeYoung. "Many people are intimidated by secular trends of science including big bang and evolution theories. However, a close look at nature shows clear harmony between the present-day creation and God's Word. I believe that people of faith have the best reason to enjoy nature because we know who made all things."

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The 180-acre main campus is located in the historic resort town of Winona Lake, near Warsaw, Indiana.

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