Reaching More Children

by Ken Ham on November 13, 2012
We recently released my new children’s book titled The True Account of Adam and Eve.

In this book I teach children such things as the following:

  1. There was a literal Adam and Eve.
  2. There was a literal Fall.
  3. Marriage is between a man and a woman—“gay” marriage is against God’s Word, and it is an abomination.
  4. There really was a global Flood.
  5. There is only one race of people—we are all descendants of Adam and Eve.
  6. All people are sinners and in need of salvation.
And much more!

I have seen a number of great reviews of this book—including the following one:

In today’s newspapers, have you ever seen headlines that questioned the reality of Adam or Eve as real people? There are many skeptics in the world who question everything and believe nothing without undeniable proof. Yet, one of the most profound proofs of God is human beings. When I became a Christ follower, I was schooled in the framework of various beliefs of how life began. Today, many search in outer space to try and locate other life forms. Many refuse to believe what is right before their eyes here on earth. People today are quick to believe in so many different viewpoints proposed by man without considering the reality of a Creator.

What do you believe about creation, the flood, sin, and other realities? How do you tell what is truth and what is not? What is the measurement or standard you use to tell truth from a lie? Here Ken Ham offers in written form the answers asked by many for many years in an intelligent manner. The premise of the book is first of all to look at the Bible, first recognizing it to be the absolute authority of our lives. We also need to understand and believe that the Lord revealed His truth and through man gave us His Word without error!

The book is more than just about Adam and Eve. There is teaching on creation including the meaning of the word “days” in Genesis chapter one and two. We are reminded of how man was created, God pronouncing “good” and ending with “very good” after creating. One of the truths brought out in this work is that we must start with the Bible and go back to it to see the truth. Much is shared in this book that is written for easy reading or a conversation with anyone. It includes scripture references to continue to help the Body defend the truth.

When I opened the book, my first thought was how beautiful the drawings were. I realize they don’t come close to the reality of Eden and more, but it gives us a glimpse of the beauty that was there long before man came on the scene. The book speaks straight forward about sin and the consequences of sin. Ken shares the hope of salvation that God gives us in Genesis 3 and throughout the entire Bible.

It could be that some might think this is a children’s book and dismiss it, but really it is a book that will captivate readers of all ages. I can see it being given as a gift to those who don’t yet know the Lord Jesus or understand or see the beauty of God. All mankind seeks to belong and to be loved. The Bible is the written roadmap of finding what all hearts yearn for. I hope and pray you will consider getting a copy as a gift for someone, for your home library or to use in teaching. Thanks goes out to the author for continuing to help equip the Body to be ready to give a reason for the hope we have in Christ.

Read the full review here.

Hundreds of Children Reached in Oklahoma

It was thrilling to once again teach hundreds of children and teens the truth of God’s Word beginning in Genesis—this time in Oklahoma.

And yes, there are now hundreds more children who, when told about millions of years, know to ask politely, “Were You There?”

Here are some photographs taken at 1st Southern Baptist Church in the Oklahoma City area yesterday.

School Sessions

School Sessions

School Sessions

School Sessions

School SessionsSchool Sessions

School Sessions

School Sessions

School Sessions

School Sessions

We have reached many thousands of children and young people through the AiG conference “School Assemblies” this year. They have been equipped with answers to the skeptical questions of this age that attack God’s Word.

There is no doubt—the teaching of evolution and millions of years is a great delusion of this age to get children to believe “the lie” that the history in Genesis is not true, and therefore God’s Word is not true.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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