Rescuing Our Kids

by Ken Ham on October 16, 2012

Almost every year, AiG formulates a theme for a ministry emphasis that will last throughout the year.

Because of the increasing emphasis by secular evolutionary humanists to try to stop kids from hearing the truth about creation, and to teach them evolution as fact, we decided that the theme for the next two years should involve reaching the current generation of children—and coming generations.

We are also seeing an increasing number of atheists who are accusing Christians—like those of us at AiG—of “child abuse” because we teach children the truth of God's Word in Genesis.

After much discussion, and working with our marketing agents at Joseph David Advertising, we came up with the following as our theme for the next two years: “Standing Our Ground, Rescuing Our Kids.”

Who gave Himself for our sins so that He might rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father. (Galatians 1:4, NASB)

Through the apostle Paul in Galatians 1:4, God tells us we live in a “present evil age.” But Jesus Christ “gave himself for our sins so that He might rescue us.” Proclaiming that gospel message in this evil world is the church’s most urgent call. Satan, however, is after the minds of this and future generations, and his key tactic is to deceive our youth (and adults) into believing lies (such as evolution and millions of years) that discredit the Bible’s authority and accuracy. It is from the Bible that we get the trustworthy gospel message, and so God’s Word needs to be upheld.

With this urgent gospel-proclaiming task in mind, the AiG team came up with this theme of Standing Our Ground, Rescuing Our Kids (Galatians 1:4).

The rescue from this evil world is through the gospel of Christ alone. In our humanistic age, the anti-biblical ideas of millions of years and evolution are causing countless people to doubt the Bible, including its salvation message. Our hearts need to be filled with an urgency to see children, teens, and adults rescued from the coming judgment. There is no greater task for Christians today than to be Standing Our Ground, Rescuing Our Kids—in fact, rescuing anyone heading to a Christ-less eternity.

At our staff chapel yesterday, Steve Ham (who heads up AiG's Worldwide outreach) gave a 10-minute message to explain Galatians 1:3-4 in regards to our new ministry theme. I encourage you to listen to his message below:

Staff Chapel Message

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