Demolishing Doubts

by Ken Ham on August 4, 2011
Demolishing Contradictions

Last year we published the first of what we hope will be a several-volume series entitled Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions, which was based on the contradictions web series. So far it has been selling well. The purpose of this series is to answer people’s questions about the supposed contradictions in the Bible. But if the Bible is God’s revelation to man, it should not contain any errors.

Skeptics often point to one or more of these “supposed” errors to show God’s Word can’t be trusted—and to cast doubt on the authority of the Word. The world often mocks Christians by saying, “See, I told you the Bible could not be trusted!”

Often these “contradictions” are merely due to reading into the text something that is not there, or not fully reading what is there. But there are answers to these “contradictions,” and we hope to deal with many, many of these over the months.

Yesterday, we posted the first of many articles as a follow up to the original contradictions web series—the second book will be based on this new web series. We are in the final stages of editing and preparing the second volume in this series. We pray these answers will help strengthen your faith in the Word of God.

Australian Pastor Looking for an AiG-Style Missionary

I am composing this as I am about to fly back to the USA from my native Australia. Australian pastor Warren Smith and his family (see photo of the three of them below) came all the way from Sydney, Australia, last month to attend our Apologetics Mega Conference near our AiG headquarters in northern Kentucky. While they were here, they had a great opportunity to talk with many of our staff and share their heart for creation evangelism in their area west of the huge city of Sydney.

Pastor Warren Smith

Pastor Warren Smith and Family

Pastor Smith informs us that a short distance from his Sydney-area church, there are a large number of schools with many new families—some of them who have come to Australia from many different parts of the world. Here is what he shared with us as he seeks assistance for his church outreach:

Thanks for your generous hospitality and willingness to try and help finding someone who might be interested in a missionary opportunity in Sydney's West. The following is a start on what I am looking for. I can give anyone who is interested a fuller description of the church and area.

Along with the needed theological training, they will need a missionary heart to see children, young people, and families from a low socio-economic area make commitments to Christ.

We have lots of school work where the Scriptures are taught in primary schools [K-6]. There is also Sunday school for K-9. I would like someone to be able to take the new AiG Bible curriculum and begin teaching it and assisting other teachers to do the same. Next year they could use the “Kids Answers” course to start with.

Further we have for the last 2 years used the Vacation Bible School from AiG and would like someone to coordinate this holiday program.

There is no shortage of school children. We have 13 primary schools as well as one right next to the church. We also have 3 secondary schools.

This assistant would also assist me in leading the morning and evening service teams. Anyone with website development skills would greatly assist in all we want to develop with the children and young people to young adult ministries.

We are a small church [90–100 people] but with so many missionary opportunities. We struggle with attracting people with a missionary heart to come and do a creation/gospel ministry, so we are looking for someone with a missionary heart who is equipped to take the gospel to children, young people and families in the area.

If you would like to know more about this opportunity for missionary work in creation evangelism in the land “Down Under,” just contact us, and we will be happy to put you in touch with Pastor Smith.

It is refreshing to see a pastor with such a heart to reach people with the gospel through using a platform of apologetics and the reliability of the Word of God.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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