AiG Booklet Now in Urdu Language

by Ken Ham on November 18, 2010

Over the years, many AiG books, booklets, videos, and other resources have been translated into numerous languages (over 75 now). Here is the latest addition to our foreign language translations:

Urdu is spoken by 65 million people in Pakistan and five states in India. We praise the Lord that this is our first-ever publication in the Urdu language, and we pray it certainly will not be the last.

Here is a report from our AiG Worldwide director, Dr. David Crandall:

15,000 copies are being printed in Pakistan and will be distributed free of charge in that country. Pakistan is in the news a lot recently, and we are so pleased that AiG Worldwide has this translation available in their “heart language.” Very little Christian literature is translated into Urdu, and we know this booklet will be a great blessing.
Dr. Crandall also said the following:
So many of these dear people face death and suffering everyday of their lives, and we pray that the booklet will bring answers and comfort to a hurting people group.
The translator of the booklet said the following:
This book really speaks to the Pakistan people and the many life problems they face. The Christian population will be greatly encouraged by AiG’s booklet.
Diana Crandall, translation director, indicated that the contact with the translator was indeed of the Lord: to find a Christian in Pakistan who is a young-earth, six-literal-day creationist is quite amazing. In fact, because of the contact, the translator will be attending the AiG All Asian-Creation Conference in Malaysia in November, 2011.

Missionary to the UK

This past Monday, while in Georgia, I was able to meet with my good friend and missionary to the United Kingdom, Wyatt Gwin.

Wyatt is an American who pastored a church in London for 15 years. I met up with Wyatt many times during my speaking tours of the UK. In fact, he organized one of the first major AiG conferences in the UK many years ago.

The United Kingdom certainly needs the message of creation, gospel, and biblical authority. We are working with Wyatt on how we can help the AiG ministry in the UK reach out to that nation (and particularly the church where so many Christian leaders—even many of the theologically conservative ones—compromise with evolution, millions of years, and so on). You can find out more about his ministry at this link:

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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