Amazon Expedition in Overseas Church

by Ken Ham on August 2, 2010

A church in Australia used AiG’s VBS program Amazon Expedition—and sent this report:

These are just a few of the hundreds of photos of our very successful 1st Amazon Expedition here in Australia.

I cannot believe how any program could be soooo successful and so much fun for all concerned . . . God was certainly with us all the way even with the weather (remember it is the middle of a very cold winter here in Australia)—we had a beautiful Creation day, a dark cloudy day for Corruption [the Fall of Adam and Eve into sin], rain for the Flood Day and beautiful sunny weather for the rest of the week!!

. . . We put in a huge effort decorating and doing everything to the best our ability to give it the "wow" factor especially being our first one and really promoting your VBS.

. . . The feedback has been incredibly positive and people can't wait until our Space one [Operation Space] next July. We want to have each one done exceptionally well as your material and everything about it is so professional. It is much harder doing it here in Australia as we have to order so far in advance and set our limit on numbers. We had few hiccups really, and it went very smoothly indeed. Even the unchurched children are still singing the songs and just "looooooooved it" I keep getting told.

Our Jungle Jive was run on the Saturday morning . . . and it was brilliant. Most of the children came and the 1st half hour was spent taking their families and visitors through the rooms that they had worked in: "Creation Room, Flood Room, Tower of Babel Room and Christ Cross and Consummation Room". They were all very impressed and keen to send their children back next year. We have not seen our church so full for many years. It was so heartening to see so many children.

Many of these people would have had their first time attending a church, as so many in Australia now do not have weddings or funerals in churches, so this was a first. We aimed to make it a very special event for them.

Praise the Lord for the way He is using the AiG ministry to reach children (and adults) down under!

Speaking at the Site of the 2011 Mega Conference

Yesterday, I spoke four times at the beautiful facility of Florence Baptist Church (about 20 minutes from the Creation Museum). This is the facility we will be using for our 2011 Mega conference. We will be releasing information about this conference in the near future.

Here is a photograph of me with the senior pastor, Dr. Tim Alexander:

Here are some photographs taken during the day:


The earth is the Lord’s . . . I have given

(Psalm 24:1) The earth is the LORD'S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

(Deuteronomy 2:9) And the LORD said unto me, Distress not the Moabites, neither contend with them in battle: for I will not give thee of their land for a possession; because I have given Ar unto the children of Lot for a possession.

We get bound up over how to get what we want and how to not lose what we have, but freedom comes as we see all we have as given by the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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