New Outreach Site Is Live

by Ken Ham on October 8, 2009

Finding out how to get one of our excellent AiG speakers to come to your church or group has just gotten a lot easier.

Answers in Genesis and our marketing consultants JDA (Joseph David Advertising) are thrilled to announce that our new Outreach Division website went live yesterday. AiG has been working hard with JDA to totally upgrade our Outreach site so we can more effectively reach churches/people with the creation/gospel message using our dynamic speakers.

I believe we have some of the best-qualified and gifted speakers on biblical creation in the world. I encourage you to go to the new site and find your way around—and also consider having an AiG conference in your area. Here is the link to the new site (which of course can also be linked to directly from the Answers in Genesis website):

More on “Ardi”

Many of you will recall the recent hype over a fossil called “Ardi,” supposedly in the lineage leading from ape-like creatures to man. Recently, AiG’s Dr. David Menton was interviewed on Moody Radio about Ardi. You can listen to the interview at this link:

Also, if you haven’t read the article on Ardi on AiG’s website, then go to:


Then Understood I Their End

(Psalm 73:17–18) Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end. Surely you did set them in slippery places: thou cast them down into destruction.

To understand and believe that hell awaits the lost is to change to be a gospel declarer in order to keep them from hell and bring them to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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