Send Students to Calvin College to Be Indoctrinated in Evolution

by Ken Ham on October 5, 2009

It should be no surprise to anyone who follows the creation/evolution debate that Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, has been teaching evolution and liberal theology to generations of students. And it is sad to see that it is representative of the Christian colleges across the nation—the exceptions are the rarity, sadly.

The Grand Rapids Press ran a survey of colleges in Michigan recently and stated:

In a recent survey of area colleges and universities, The Press found all of the institutions that teach biology teach Darwinian evolution. Only one, Cornerstone University, questions the theory’s validity and spends significant time teaching alternative explanations. Even most of the Christian schools—Calvin, Hope and Aquinas colleges—base their curricula on Darwin’s theory.

“Evolution is the paradigm out of which we teach biology,” said David Warners, a biology professor at Calvin. “We’re not trying to hide things; it’s just that we’re not looking for a fight.”

We also know that even at the one university where evolution is questioned, other profs are very similar to the Calvin ones in what they believe and teach. The article continues:
Bultman notices many students enter Hope with a “creationist/intelligent design” worldview, he said, and are frustrated by the biology curriculum. Warners said there is a similar trend at Calvin, as many students begin college as strong opponents of evolutionary theory.

“It’s a challenge,” Warners said of teaching evolution, “and it needs to be done very sensitively.”

In other words, these Christian colleges have to take students who believe the Bible and systematically destroy that belief and teach them to believe in evolution. This is the sad state of the church in America. No wonder we are losing the coming generations.

You can read the entire article here.

“Eat Mor Chikin”

This morning I am speaking at the morning devotion for employees of Chick-fil-A at its headquarters in Atlanta. This is the restaurant chain that features a humorous ad campaign with cows that hold signs: “Eat Mor Chikin.” The president of the company visited our Creation Museum in August.

Yesterday I spoke to thousands of people at First Baptist in Atlanta—great response. I’ll share more on that tomorrow.


Living to

(1 Peter 4:2) That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.

We have found the solution to the problem of what we should spend our limited lifetime on—what we should live for; we live for and accomplish the will of God.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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