Space Shuttles and Robots Invade Churches!

by Ken Ham on June 3, 2009

Around 2000 churches so far have signed up (with orders still pouring in daily) to use our VBS (vacation Bible school) programs this year—Amazon Expedition (developed last year) and Operation Space released this year. It is thrilling for us to see churches using creative ways to advertise the VBS programs in their area.

Here are photos showing what two churches are doing as they get ready for the Operation Space VBS program:

1. Hopewell Baptist Church in Gainesville, Georgia


2. Blackshear Place Baptist, also in Georgia


AiG’s VBS programs are solidly based on Scripture and are presented in extremely creative ways that teach children biblical authority, apologetics (which is so sadly lacking from most Christian curricula these days), and the gospel. You can find out more about AiG VBS programs from the AnswersVBS website.

Hundreds Registered for Creation College

Over 800 people have now registered for the nearly week-long AiG special conference called Creation College 3 to be held in July. Participants not only receive teaching from AiG’s popular speakers, but also can attend special electives to learn how to present creation messages. All attendees also receive free admission to the Creation Museum for the week (just 15 minutes from the conference).

The auditorium can hold about 1100 people—so, there is still some room, and it is not too late to register. You can register on our Creation College 3 website.

Evolution “Magic”

Yesterday at the AiG staff meeting, Dr. David Menton of our staff presented part 1 of a new presentation he has developed called “Evolution Magic.” It was both entertaining and instructive. If you want to see this unique presentation, then continue to monitor the upcoming events schedule at the Creation Museum. He will be giving this presentation from time to time. Both children and adults will enjoy this creative and innovative presentation. Here are some photographs taken of Dr. Menton at the staff meeting:

Dr. Menton
Dr. Menton
Dr. Menton


Obedient student

Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth, and teach you what thou shall say (Exodus 4:12).

Every one of our personal weaknesses and lack of resources is compensated for when we become God’s obedient students and rely on His promised presence.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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