First Ever AiG Conference for Women to Be Held in Canada

by Ken Ham on February 11, 2009

At our morning staff meeting yesterday, Dr. Georgia Purdom gave an update on projects she is involved in:

1. AiG Conference for Women in Canada

Being a female speaker for Answers in Genesis, Dr. Purdom has the opportunity to speak to some women’s groups that we have previously not been able to accommodate. She will be the sole speaker for the first ever Answers for Women conference in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, in April (in fact, this is the first ever AiG conference anywhere specially for women).

Topics include: “What’s the Big Deal? Why God’s Word Matters from the Very Beginning,” “Fighting Truth Decay: Bringing the Bible to Life,” “Beauty and Lies: The Legacy of Eve,” and “If a Loving God Exists, Then Why So Much Pain and Suffering in the World?” Be sure to check out our events page for more information on this exciting conference exclusively for women.


2. Research

Dr. Purdom, part of our Research Department at Answers in Genesis (she holds a PhD in molecular genetics from Ohio State U.), gave an update yesterday on her work over the past several months. She has been actively pursuing research on the origin and development of pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria.

Obviously, we know that these bacteria didn’t cause disease in God’s “very good” original creation and that the reason they cause disease now is due to the Fall. But what are the genetics behind how bacteria go from being benign to problematic? Dr. Purdom, as a molecular geneticist, explained that it is not a simple process and likely multiple steps are necessary (including mutations) for a bacteria to change from being harmless to deadly.


3. Creation Museum Natural Selection Exhibit

Dr. Purdom has also been actively working on designing the new “Natural Selection Is not Evolution” exhibit for the Creation Museum, set to open next month. In this year of “celebrating” Darwin, it is important to recognize the differences between natural selection and evolution and that natural selection does not result in molecules-to-man evolution. Instead it results in changes within a biblical “kind” (e.g., dog kind, cat kind, etc.).

Dr. Purdom has been working closely with our very talented design team to make this a one-of-a-kind exhibit with many visuals, including live blind cavefish and even three blind mice! You’ll want to make the trip to see this unique exhibit when it opens next month.


News Flash: Four Places Just Opened up on the April/May Grand Canyon Raft Tour

AiG Grand Canyon raft trips sell out fast—and there are limited seats. We just had a cancellation on our April 24–May 2 trip down the Grand Canyon. This nine-day trip sold out within three months of being released last year. Unfortunately, four folks had to back out for personal reasons.

Here’s an opportunity for four people to join Dr. Tommy Mitchell and Dr. Andrew Snelling (with a PhD in geology) on this once-in-a-lifetime adventure. Go to the trip page for more information on how you can take advantage of this unique opportunity. Again, only four spots are open, and they won’t last long!

Dr. Andrew Snelling is one of the leading creation geologists in the world. He is unable to go on all the AiG Grand Canyon raft trips—but he is on this one. What an opportunity.

All the Way from South Dakota

I had the opportunity today to meet a family who drove all the way from South Dakota—just to visit the Creation Museum. They said they drove 17 hours straight and spent the day today at the Creation Museum. They’ll spend a half day tomorrow—and then drive 17 hours straight back! Now, that’s dedication! Here is a photograph of the family:


All the Way from South Korea

I was also privileged to meet a young family from South Korea visiting the Creation Museum yesterday. The young man remembers me teaching him when he attended Word of Life Bible College in New York a few years ago. Here is a photo I had taken with this young couple and their young child.


Secular Press Pushing Darwin

The secular press are certainly pushing Darwin this month! The New York Times yesterday published seven pages of material in their Tuesday “Science Times” section. There were seven articles by various evolutionists: Nicholas Wade, Carl Zimmer (now blogging on Discover magazine’s website), John Tierney (regular NYT science columnist), Carl Safina, Cornelia Dean, Carol Kaesuk Yoon, and Neil Shubin.

The attempted indoctrination of the public in the evolutionist religion continues, especially as Darwin’s 200th birthday is Thursday!


Make not

(John 2:16) And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise.

Our bodies are the Father’s house for prayer, and while we have to engage in worldly business we have to guard against making them houses of merchandise.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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