Christian Teacher Training Course

by Ken Ham on August 4, 2008

Last week Mike Riddle of our staff traveled to beautiful Arizona to speak in multiple churches—as well as to teach a one-day Christian teacher training course held at Scottsdale Bible Church just outside Phoenix. Fifty-eight students from the Phoenix, Tucson, Prescott, Yuma, and Havasu City attended the full-day course. This is a new training course offered by AiG and is already in high demand around the country. The course prepares teachers to discuss and present—from a biblical worldview—the scientific and biblical case for Genesis creation. In addition, the course equips teachers in various areas of apologetics.


Mike—always well-dressed for such programs!—is pictured above as he leads the class.

Here is one feedback item about the class: “The response to this course was so positive and enthusiastic that we are already tentatively scheduling it for October of next year.” —Dr. Joseph Kezele, president, Arizona Origins Science Association (AzOSA).


Numerous volunteers help out at AiG in various ways during the year—and we so praise the Lord for these volunteers. Sometimes they are just individuals; sometimes they are specially organized groups. For instance, this past week, New Testament Baptist Church located in the Cleveland area (Ohio) brought a youth group to AiG and helped with the tent setup at the front of the museum building. Others helped with product preparation. I’ve included five photographs:

  1. Working hard to set up the tent: guests-at-AiG guests-at-AiG-4
  2. Charissa LeCrone and Annaliese Dunn working in the warehouse: volunteers-at-work
  3. While the tent was going up, groups were arriving at the Creation Museum and guests were signing up for memberships with museum staff member Bob Madison: guests-at-AiG-3 guests-at-AiG-2

Today, staff will rotate in groups as they pray for many different aspects of the AiG ministry. I trust many of you will remember to pray for AiG throughout the day. As well as praying for the various AiG outreaches, needed support, and staff, please pray for those who actively oppose this ministry that the Lord will soften their hearts.

If you would like to commit regularly to pray for AiG, please sign up on our special prayer website.

I have a number of special guests visiting today, plus lots of meetings—and then I fly to India!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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