Children Saved Through AiG VBS Program

by Ken Ham on July 31, 2008

We have had many testimonies from churches/organizations who used AiG’s VBS program, Amazon Expedition. I included this exciting testimony because the church also sent a photograph of those who were involved in the VBS program at this church:

We wanted to send a letter of thanks to Answers in Genesis for the outstanding VBS material that you offered this year. We took your Amazon Expedition last week and were very impressed with the program. From the crafts to the snacks, your organization was very helpful in a logistically successful week. However, we praise the Lord for the content of your Bible lessons and related songs. The children had a great time and learned a great deal all at the same time.

Since we do not currently support any missionaries in [countries with rain forests], we opted to send our missions offering to your Creation Museum. We are thrilled to include a check to the museum for $750.00 and a picture of our human rainbow from day three of the Amazon Expedition.

While we are excited to partner with the Creation Museum financially, we are far more excited about the six children that came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ during our week of VBS. We are praising God for how He used us and your program to spread the gospel.

We are hopeful that Answers in Genesis will have another VBS program ready for next year! Thank you again for a tremendous Amazon Expedition.


Penscola Program

I have included four photographs taken at Pensacola Christian College, where I gave the keynote address at their Summer Seminar program.

1. The auditorium packed with people


2. People lined up afterward to get resources


3. People lined up for autographs and photos


4. Talking to one of the people in the long line of people waiting to talk to me


500,000 Reached Very Soon?

My prediction is that we will reach the 500,000 visitor count sometime today (or tomorrow). We need just over 1000 to reach 500,000 visitors since opening, and we have been averaging over 1000 every weekday—so, we will see! These are exciting times.

Answers Magazines

Just during the past couple of weeks, hundreds of people have subscribed to Answers magazine—the subscriptions are climbing rapidly. Don’t miss out. The issue for the last three months of this year has a global warming theme. Subscribe through our website.


Daily to attend our own funeral

(Judges 2:19) And it came to pass, when the judge was dead, that they returned, and corrupted themselves more than their fathers, in following other gods to serve them, and to bow down unto them; they ceased not from their own doings, nor from their stubborn way.

We are stubborn, carrying the seed of sin in us ready to blossom; thus, we need daily to die to self & attend our own funeral so we can live for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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