Mike Oard Speaks at AiG

by Ken Ham on June 14, 2008

Mike Oard is no stranger to AiG. He worked with AiG scientists to ensure the best and most up-to-date information about the ice age and mammoths to be presented in the Creation Museum. Mike is an atmospheric scientist. He has written a number of technical books and children’s books dealing with the Flood, ice age, and mammoth fossils, etc.

On Friday, as part of the Creation Research Society annual board members meeting here in our area, Mike spoke to the AiG staff. When I asked him about when he worked as a weather forecaster, he jokingly said, “I should have been stoned as a false prophet!” I have included a photograph of Mike as he responded to that question from me. I have also included another photograph as he gave his presentation on evidence for the Flood to the AiG staff.


Last night we were thrilled to host the entire Creation Research Society board (and some of the wives) for a dinner in the Creation Museum’s Discovery Room. I have enclosed a photograph of the dinner, and another of the entire board as they had their photo taken in the Museum’s Foto Fx center.


We do look forward to an ongoing close-working relationship with this creationist group who conduct creationist research. This group even dates back to before the late Dr. Henry Morris started ICR.



No—I am not talking about someone who may have a pot belly! A pot belly pig has been given to the Creation Museum Petting Zoo. You can see why they call it a “pot belly pig” as you view the photograph.


I have also included a photograph of Dr. David Menton of our staff doing a talk on skulls inside the museum. (By the way, that is a stand-up publicity cut-out of Dr. Mortenson behind him.) Dr. Menton has a portable lectern that he wheels through the Museum, and at times gives a 5-10 minutes talk on a number of topics. In this photograph, you can see Dr. Menton giving a talk on skulls—comparing ape skulls to Human skulls to help people understand there are no “ape-men.”



This morning, Mally and I attended the Temple Baptist College graduation service in Cincinnati. I had been asked to give the commencement address. This is the same college that bestowed an honorary doctorate upon me in 1997. It was a real privilege to give this address to the graduates and those present. The president of the college, Dr. Joseph Paturi, will be accompanying me to India in August as we go to have my basic talks translated into the Hindi language.


Right out of Heaven

(Deu 4:36) Out of heaven he made thee to hear his voice, that he might instruct thee.

When we are so impressed with some part of Scripture that is the Lord Jesus Christ teaching us right out of Heaven for one purpose – to instruct us.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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