Flying Critter Invades Portico

by Ken Ham on May 9, 2008

Our museum design staff moved a giant pterodactyl into the portico of the Creation Museum as we get ready for the 12-month anniversary celebrations of the opening of the Creation Museum (see photographs)—May 23–June 1.


Incidentally, the visitor count since opening will reach 390,000 today! We are still on target to reach 400,000 by the May 23 celebration (though the official twelve months goes to May 28).

Go to the Creation Museum website to find out all the details about the spectacular events planned for the anniversary celebrations.

Dr. Crandall off to Korea

Dr. David Crandall, head of AiG Worldwide, will travel to Korea soon to speak at a major creation conference—May 24. Dr. Crandall will also be visiting with a number of people about translation projects (including people from Malaysia, etc) and other worldwide outreach programs. Please pray for Dave Crandall as he travels, speaks, and meets with many different Christians in this part of the world.

Creation Museum at Reds Stadium

An AiG supporter sent me a photograph of a sign he saw while visiting the Cincinnati Reds (Baseball) stadium this week! The Creation Museum is popping up in all sorts of places!

Creation Museum at Reds Stadium

Belfast Meetings Begin Today

Please pray for the Belfast meetings (Northern Ireland) that commenced today.

Talked Creation the Whole Way Home

AiG cannot reach everyone, every church, etc. However, the more we equip people with an understanding of the message and resources, they (like the testimony from the person below) will reach others. The message is spreading. I trust this testimony will encourage you to see if there are ways you might be able to disseminate this vital creation/gospel message to others:

Your recent presentation at the VCY rally in Milwaukee was great. By the number in attendance at this event it’s obvious the Answers in Genesis ministry is making a significant impact.

I was thankful my family got to meet you. We talked creation the whole way home. The next morning, Sunday, I approached a friend about doing another creation science bible study. She agreed, and the small groups leader gave us 8 weeks starting in September. This will be the second time we have taught a creation study in our church.

This is amazing. Not so long ago I was a card carrying evolutionist. AIG, ICR, CSE, etc., have all played a part in my re-education and wearing my biblical glasses. Thank you for your ministry and thank you to all the people involved in this ministry. You’re on the winning team.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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