Stuck in London

by Ken Ham on April 6, 2008

Well, as I write, I’m stuck on a plane at Gatwick Airport after a snowstorm hit London. It's a mess here, as the airport doesn't seem prepared for such major storms. I'm not sure now when we will get back home and to the AiG offices.

I will write some more about the just-concluded speaking tour of the UK, and about some major media opportunities we had this weekend (e.g., BBC radio and the major paper, The Guardian). For the moment, here is an encouraging report from Carl Kerby, who has also been on the road for a number of days as he has been on a speaking ministry in Pennsylvania.



Just before I left for eastern Pennsylvania last Wednesday, Tuesday was a really busy day at AiG. In the morning, I met with a pastor and 23 folks from his church. I spoke at their church last year, and soon after they decided to take a "road trip" to our Creation Museum. I had the privilege of showing them around. Pastor Wayne sent a very kind e-mail -- one part said:

We had an awesome, awesome time. To say I was impressed would be an understatement. I was FLOORED. This was every bit as impressive and professional as Disney, Universal Studios or our world-famous children’s museum here in Indianapolis. And I believe that this whole experience was used to strengthen my own faith, as well as to help establish the faith of my two young boys. We live in such a great time.

Then in the afternoon I showed some other new friends around the museum. Pastor Kyle is the teaching pastor of a large church in Toledo, Ohio (about a three-hour drive from the museum). His uncle, David, is on our security staff. David had been telling the pastor about the museum, so he finally came down to check us out. This turned out to be a GREAT meeting. As a result, he’s invited me to speak at his church this summer. Kyle sent this email:

We had a great day of shooting! Mark [Looy] took great care of us. I can’t thank you enough for all you did for us ... you guys completely blew us away! I have so much respect for you. We will be back plenty of times with different people for sure. You all went above and beyond for us.

Wednesday, I flew to Philadelphia and was picked up by a pastor friend of AiG. I spoke that evening in Souderton to the committee who organized all of the speaking that I was to do for the next few days in eastern Pennsylvania

Thursday I spoke to a Bible-training college in Valley Forge. I couldn't believe the response. They had a LOT of students there -- perhaps 500. I did the talk “Racism: What Is the ‘Biblical’ Answer?” At the end, they gave a standing ovation and many stayed afterwards to ask questions. It was unbelievable. The next venue was a Christian school---another great meeting. That night, I spoke to another group, where I talked about the Creation Museum; they are now planning a trip to the museum.

On Friday, I rose early and traveled to another Christian school, and then jumped in a car and took off for the next venue (eating a sandwich on the way). At the next school, I spoke two times, and then we went straight to the next venue for a youth rally.

What surprised me at the very-well attended rally was to look out and see two young people from the college where I had spoken the day before. They drove 40 minutes one way to come hear the talk. Also, the principal of the school I’d spoken earlier that day was there with his son!


On Saturday, Dr. David Menton of our staff – who had just flown in – had breakfast with me and members of one of the local creation groups in this part of Pennsylvania. These 8 men joined us to help plan an AiG event in their area for next year. They wanted tips on how to make the outreach the most effective.

At our speaking event a little later in the day, Dr. Menton gave a talk about the incredible design of the human body: a lecture called, “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made.” What a privilege it is to work with men like Dr. Menton---his knowledge is just incredible. We alternated speaking right up until 8:00 pm. There was a great response, yet there were a couple of dissenters. One Jewish man told me he was offended because I said in my talk that Christians shouldn’t marry non-Christians. His wife, you see, is a Christian and he felt I was supporting prejudice. It was a very interesting conversation. Another lady was sold out on the gap theory. Both conversations ended very well---but I stood my ground.

Today I spoke to the Sunday school at a church that has been supportive of AiG for years. By the time we got started, the church had to triple the amount of chairs they had originally put out.

As I write, we are about to start our evening program. Then finally I get to come home tomorrow (Monday). It’s been a long trip. I’m looking forward to getting home. But God is good, all the time.

– Carl Kerby

Thanks, Carl. And thank you, reader, for stopping by … and thank you for praying.

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