AiG to Appear Regularly on NRB’s DirecTV Channel—Starts February 19

by Ken Ham on February 11, 2008

A Christian newswire story appeared this week giving information about the National Religious Broadcasters DirecTV channel:

NRB Network broadcasts on DIRECTV channel 378. DIRECTV has over 16 million subscribers, making it the nation's leading and fastest-growing digital multi-channel satellite television service provider in both residential and commercial markets. The NRB Network is included in DIRECTV’s base package, TOTAL CHOICE, making it available to all DIRECTV subscribers.
It continued with the following on AiG being on the NRB Network:
The NRB Network announced a new lineup for the Tuesday 9:00 p.m. (ET) hour. “Answers Creation Hour” will feature programs developed by Answers in Genesis (AiG). The programs will be part of the NRB Network’s Tuesday night Nature/Science Night. AiG programs teach that “facts” don't speak for themselves, but must be interpreted. That is, evolution and creation don’t have separate sets of “evidences.” We all deal with the same evidence (we all live on the same earth, have the same fossils, observe the same animals, etc.). The difference lies in how we interpret what we study.
The “Answers Creation Hour” will kick off Tuesday night, February 19, as part of the NRB Network’s new spring lineup.


This Tuesday, is the birthday of Darwin (199 years ago). On Sunday, a number of churches across the country actually celebrated Evolution Weekend by featuring evolution in their services. You may remember this was called “Evolution Sunday” last year. Most of the churches involved are Unitarian, United Methodist, etc. Some newspapers carried articles on this event—the one linked to below carried an article on Evolution Weekend and also mentioned the Creation Museum (though with some slightly out-of-date information/photograph):


Yesterday, a number of churches signed up to preach Darwin from the pulpit. Here is a newspaper report from one such church:

The Rev. Anjel Scarborough, rector of Gathered by Christ Episcopal Church, preached Sunday morning that evolution and faith can live comfortably together. However, that means sacrificing literal interpretations of the Bible, she told about 20 people who attended the service.The first Sunday of Lent, Scarborough said, coincides this year with the day Episcopalians read the biblical account of Earth’s creation.

Sunday’s service offered not only a chance to read verses from the second and third chapters of Genesis, but also an opportunity to observe Evolution Sunday, Scarborough said.

Well, while she preached evolution to 20 people, I praise the Lord that Carl Kerby and I were able to share the truth of God’s Word beginning with Genesis to thousands of people in the San Diego area over the weekend!

You can read the complete news story on the 20 people listening to the evolution sermon at this link: HIGHLIGHTS FROM SAN DIEGO

Here are just some of the highlights from people who spoke to me during our San Diego meetings:

  • A fifteen year old home schooler said he had read every book in our Library Pack except the new Darwin’s Plantation—so he purchased that to keep up on his reading of creationist material. He also wants to come and help with our book tables when I speak at the big Home School Conference in California in July.
  • A lady told me that as a result of our ministry, she was no longer a theistic evolutionist.
  • A couple said they heard me many years ago, and this totally changed their lives.
  • A man said he came to faith in Christ as a result of God using AiG teaching.
The list goes on and on—praise the Lord.

One man who told me he was a scientist said we shouldn’t debate young earth versus old earth, as it had nothing to do with the Bible. I challenged him in regard to death, disease, and thorns in the fossil record—and how could God call all that very good if these existed millions of years before sin. He had no answer but kept arguing the age of the earth had nothing to do with the Bible. After quite a lengthy discussion he said I gave him something to think about, and we parted amicably.

Please pray for the final evening of meetings in San Diego tonight.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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