AiG Is in Saipan

by Ken Ham on October 31, 2007

By the time you read this, Mally and I will be in Saipan (a U.S. island in the northern Marianas—in the Pacific Ocean). Our first thing to do is meet the island’s governor! Then we have a couple of days to get over jet lag—and then start the conference. This is going to be a very special conference, as we videotape six of my basic talks as they are translated into Chinese. We will then offer these videos to the Chinese-speaking world. This is all part of our WorldWide ministry department outreach, headed up by Dr. David Crandall.

Saipan Travel Update: I am writing this from Honolulu—we are on a stopover to Guam and then to Saipan. While in Houston, Texas, this morning (yes we had a stopover there too—it is a LONG trip), a man ran up excitedly to me to say he remembered me from speaking in Germany a few years ago. He was so excited—said the ministry meant so much to him—he still remembers the teaching from the Germany meetings—he wanted to get a photograph of Mally and me to show his wife and to prove he actually met us. He could not stop saying enough positive things about the impact of AiG. Praise the Lord. Well—we need to get back on the plane for another 9 hours (19 hours of flying plus stopovers).

Saipan Travel Update #2: Our team arrived in Saipan Tuesday evening (Monday morning US time)—tired, but thankful to the Lord that the flights were on time, we made all our connections, and all our luggage came (even with three stopover/connections). Today (Wednesday) it has been arranged for us to meet with the Governor of the Island. Please pray for the meetings that begin on this Friday for two days. Our video team will video the talks as they are translated into Chinese. This will be a great tool to then reach people who speak Chinese. We are hoping to produce six basic talks from this series.


I just sigh when I read articles like the one I’ll quote below. Evolutionists are claiming that they have evidence from St. Bernard dogs that challenges creation. Here is what the report stated:

“The St Bernard dog–named after the 11th century priest Bernard of Menthon–may have ironically challenged the theory of creationism, say scientists. Biologists at the University of Manchester say that changes to the shape of the breed’s head over the years can only be explained through evolution and natural selection.”
This is just another example of variation within a kind. As we say over and over again, natural selection occurs—but it is NOT Darwinian evolution. Natural selection only acts on the information already available in a particular gene pool! To claim this challenges creation is absurd!

You can read the rest of the article at:

You can also read a further response in last Saturday’s News to Note.

Please keep praying for the Saipan AiG Conference.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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