Does the Bible Condemn Homosexual Behavior?

by Ken Ham on October 8, 2007

Well, not according to a former Fuller Theological Seminary Professor. [By the way, this professor, Jack Rogers, abandoned belief in the inerrancy of Scripture decades ago, asserting (falsely) that the doctrine of inerrancy was a modern invention in the church. It is no surprise that Rogers has slid down the slippery slide to this heretical position.]

The news item states:

“Jack Rogers, professor of Theology Emeritus at San Francisco Theological Seminary, is trying to get a positive word out in the Christian churches about the gay and lesbian community and thinks churches should be leading the charge for their equal rights.

“I’m trying to help people understand that the Bible rightly interpreted, which I would think is through the lens of Jesus’ redemptive life and ministry ... does not condemn Christian people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered," said Rogers, according to The Lawrence Journal-World.

“He makes that argument in the book Jesus, the Bible and Homosexuality: Explode the Myths, Heal the Church. The former Fuller Theological Seminary professor and former moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) launched his fall book tour last week and is currently making stops at churches and ministries to speak on the controversial topic.

Rogers says those who argue that the Bible condemns gays and lesbians are taking biblical literalism too far and feels there is excessively negative words in the religious community, according to the Journal-World.”

It would be interesting to see how he handles Romans 1 and many other passages of Scripture that clearly condemn homosexual behavior. Just goes to show, though, just like the cults, just like those who cling to evolution and millions of years, we fallible humans can try to justify anything by twisting Scripture—that is why it is SO important that we let God’s Word speak to us and take it as it is clearly written—the grammatical-historical-interpretive method.

You can read the entire news item at:


Just a little advance notice that I will be speaking at the Worldview Weekend Conference in Witchita, Kansas, this coming weekend. You can get details from our website.

Well, I took a peek into the Creation Museum today (Monday), and there are people everywhere! We will certainly have gone over the 220,000 mark today. We are predicting we will hit the 250,000 mark early November.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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