CNN Spain at Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on April 12, 2007

Carlos with CNN-Plus (the CNN of Spain) and Yolanda of Spain’s leading national newspaper El Pais (“The Country”) spent Wednesday afternoon with Mark Looy and me (see photographs). The “rival” Spanish newspaper of El Pais called El Mundo was here last year.

Quattro TV Quattro TV

And then a Finnish journalist visits on Friday. The international media interest in the museum remains high—imagine what it will be like when the museum opens May 28.


An MSNBC report gave details of Pope Benedict’s views on evolution. The report stated:

Pope Benedict, elaborating his views on evolution for the first time as Pontiff, says science has narrowed the way life’s origins are understood and Christians should take a broader approach to the question

[. . .]

In the book, Benedict defended what is known as “theistic evolution,” the view held by Roman Catholic, Orthodox and mainline Protestant churches that God created life through evolution and religion and science need not clash over this.

“I would not depend on faith alone to explain the whole picture,” he remarked during the discussion held at the papal summer palace in Castel Gandolfo outside Rome.

You can read the entire article at MSNBC Pope: Science too narrow to explain creation.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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