Degenerate mutant dog presentation ...

by Ken Ham on September 21, 2006

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On Thursday morning, Dr. David Crandall gave a report to the staff on his recent trip “Down Under.” He spoke in a number of churches and at a reunion of people involved in the Olympic Games outreach a few years ago. Dr. Crandall also spent time with my family (my mum, sisters, and brothers and their wives) and some of the members of our Australian church (Sunnybank Baptist), of which Mally and I are members and which set us apart as missionaries to the creation ministry.

One of the home groups in the church gave Dr. Crandall a shirt to present to me (see photo). These people have obviously listened to my talks on natural selection. I use poodles as “degenerate mutants” to explain such things in an easy-to-understand way. And, of course, these people know Mally and I own a Bishon, which sort of looks like a poodle! This home group also sent me over a FUN missionary package, used tea bags, etc. They obviously had a ball putting it together and made a video as they added their items to the package! All in all it was a fun morning for Mally and myself and all of our staff.

I have also enclosed a photograph of Dr. Crandall during his talk on Thursday morning showing a picture of some of my family and the pastor of our church in Australia.

And the third photograph is of one the members of the audience during Dr. Crandall’s presentation—our latest grandchild, Kylie! She obviously thought the whole affair was boring!


All over the news today was a report that a young Australopithecine (the same species as the famous supposed human ancestor “Lucy”) skeleton had been found. They say the skeleton is fairly complete with almost a complete foot. It will be interesting to see the actual photos of the skeleton, etc., and see what the foot looks like. “Lucy” models have been made by evolutionists with totally human feet!! We will continue to follow this story and get an article up once we know more from reliable sources.

To read the news report from today: Washington Post: 3.3 Million Years Later, Skeleton of Girl Found

Today, a number of AiG staff spent time with a non-Christian columnist with The New Yorker magazine and author of an upcoming book on the theme of Christianity and the culture from New York. We’ll see what comes of his report.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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