AiG in Baratillo, Mexico

by Ken Ham on August 20, 2006

I have enclosed three photographs taken this morning at a small church founded by a missionary from America in a mountainous and rather remote area of Mexico. One photograph shows some of the houses the people of this area live in—and one shows the church the men of the church built. The third picture shows some of the more than 100 who came this morning. I’m amazed that some of the visitors even found this church—down a very rough dirt road, no signs—you just had to know where to come. We are about two hours outside of Saltillo.

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Last night, we drove here after the conference in Saltillo where I spoke seven times plus two long question-and-answer periods. The total attendance was 1,579 from 23 Mexican states and five countries (Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica, USA).

There was a HUNGER for the books, but we don’t have much in Spanish. MANY people told me they want to come and visit the Creation Museum—we are going to have to ensure we have Spanish translations at the Creation Museum—people from here are already planning to come.

This morning, I spoke once at the church service in Baratillo and then we had a long question-and-answer time. People are so hungry for this information. One young man who asked a number of questions is a teacher in the public schools and really struggles hard with what to teach regarding evolution. We need more materials in Spanish!

Tonight we travel back to a hotel in Saltillo near the airport and fly home tomorrow.

We have lots of interesting things to share with you.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks by praying.


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