AiG material soon to be in the Indian language

by Ken Ham on August 2, 2006

Dr. Crandall has made phenomenal strides (we praise the Lord for the many, many opened doors we’ve seen) in facilitating getting AiG resources translated into numerous languages (over 70 such languages in just four months). Here is a recent communication from India:

We are trying to bring out select Creationist literature and publish it in Indian languages. Yesterday, I received the final plan from Dr. David Crandall, the director of AiG worldwide ministries. I am translating Ken Ham’s book Is There Really a God? into Indian languages and distribute the copies throughout India. This booklet is very nicely written to give evidences of God’s existence and His creation. It ends with a plan of salvation. Please pray that the Lord may touch the hearts of pagan Indians with this Creationist message.


As Dr. Crandall, director of AiG’s worldwide translation ministry, prepared today to leave for Australia (see itinerary), he updated a PowerPoint walk-through of the Creation Museum with some new photographs (see attached), so he could share with the churches he’s speaking at in Australia what is happening with the Creation Museum:


1. We are standing in front of Adam’s House—still under construction, of course!

2. We are standing in front of the two-story section of Noah’s Ark—this, together with 12 animatronic figures, will be a spectacular exhibit in the museum 7 C’s walk.



We had our usual cake and ice cream for a staff member who is leaving—sort of. Laura Perrien, a student at Cedarville University, worked with Dr. Crandall in AiG WorldWide as a summer intern. Laura is leaving to spend two weeks with her parents in Michigan and then back to university for her final year. But, Laura so loved her work at AiG, and we have been so thrilled with all she has done that she will be staying on and working part-time from school. I have attached a photograph of Laura and me in front of a world map as she completed her final day of full-time responsibilities for this summer.


I have read with great interest the information presented on this site. Thank you for your significant and valuable contribution. I am a college professor (English) and hope to make use of your material in the teaching of logic and rational argumentation.

The sophistry of evolution is disheartening, but its allure is apparent among college students. It’s seemingly all they know because it’s (in essence) all they’ve been taught to know. You are doing much to dispel the deceits and confusions of such teachings. May our Lord bless.

Today, I was interviewed by CBN for an article for their website. That article should appear soon.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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