Vacation with Answers in Genesis in Canada!

by Ken Ham on July 18, 2006

If you’ve ever wanted to enjoy vacation in Canada, let me share with you a great way to do it! Answers in Genesis–USA speakers Dr. David Menton and Mike Riddle will be at Muskoka Baptist Conference in Huntsville, Ontario (Huntsville is two hours north of Toronto and 3.5 hours north of Buffalo, NY).

I speak at this conference every second year, and let me tell you, it is one of the most beautiful places you will ever visit. You can enjoy great teaching from two of the best creation speakers in the world, and at the same time, you can enjoy time vacationing in a beautiful part of Ontario, Canada.

I call Dr. Menton the “WOW” speaker. After every one of his presentations, you will say “WOW!” His presentation on “Life Before Birth” (suitable for the whole family) is, in my opinion, the most powerful and convicting pro-life, anti-abortion talk you will ever experience—it’s a “WOW” talk! Dr. Menton will also bring along some of his incredible illusions—he’s a big kid at heart! He makes things disappear and reappear! The whole family will enjoy it!

I call Mike Riddle the “CONTAGIOUS” speaker—you can’t help catching his enthusiasm for the Word of God and for believing in creation and a literal Genesis. Dr. Menton and Mike have never teamed up before in Canada—you will laugh, be convicted, be informed, be equipped, praise the Lord like never before, and of course, go home saying “WOW.” Again, I urge you not to miss out on this super program—what a unique opportunity for the whole family.

And next year, consider vacationing with AiG in Alaska.


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I have attached photographs of some unique fossil ferns that were donated by the Weaver family from Pennsylvania. AiG’s fossil collection continues to grow with many specimens that will enable AiG to exhibit fossil displays that will be world-class!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for your prayers,


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