AiG programs in Florida

by Ken Ham on April 8, 2006

AiG speaker Dr. Terry Mortenson arrived back weary but encouraged after his recent speaking engagements in Florida. Here is his report:

Thanks for your prayers. It was a full and tiring week at the Baptist College of Florida, capped off by a good visit with Nathan (my son), at PCC on Thursday night and then a long journey home on Friday. It was a good week.

Dr. Freeman, the OT professor who arranged my time, told me on Thursday that I had encouraged many and changed the minds of others. The president of the college told him that after my chapel lecture on Monday (about why creation and the age of the earth really matters enormously for the Christian faith), he (the president) heard many excellent comments from students. Over 10% of the student body bought the student pack of five books valued at $60, which we sell at the greatly reduced price of $20 to get these resources into the hands of college students. Some other books and videos were also purchased.

Dr. Freeman was so pleased that he wants to talk to the president about organizing a special three-day conference at the college next year and bring in at least 2 speakers to speak in each day’s chapel and in classes and to have some special meetings in local churches and for pastors in the area and maybe at some other colleges in the nearby cities. So we will see where the Lord takes that idea.


As I was about to leave the office on Friday, a large Christian radio station from St. Louis called to interview me live in prime drive time about the supposed fish-to-amphibian transitional form that has received headlines around the world. I expect more such interviews this coming week.

I have this weekend "off"---though I wrote our May monthly letter and answered emails. How did Spurgeon, Luther, Wesley, Bunyan and others work without computers and emails!? Actually, they wrote more than even some of the most prolific writers today do!

Thanks for stopping by,


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