Changed lives

by Ken Ham on February 5, 2006

Saturday night, around 180 people attended the Phoenix fundraising banquet. Those who attended were so excited. Something the really stood out to me was the comment I heard a number of times from different people: “Thank you for what you’re doing—the Lord is changing my life.” At the end of the banquet, one man said “You don’t know how this has changed my life,” and the tears welled up in his eyes.

If the excited anticipation from these people in Arizona concerning the opening of the museum is typical across the country (and we believe it is), we are going to have a very busy year next year as the Creation Museum opens in early spring.


I had my second day of watching golf today (Saturday)! I drove one of the golf carts while Mike Zovath (our VP in charge of the museum), Dan Manthei (one of the AiG board members), and Brad Benbow (our marketing consultant) tried to play golf! After having watched the pro golf tournament the day before, I understood why none of these guys were in the tournament and, not being a golfer myself, was able to ask probing questions about the many balls that ended up in the lake, in the cactus, or are never to be found again!


AiG’s Dr. David Menton is in Wisconsin for a series of meetings. I thought you would be fascinated by a quote from an educator, as reported in the Green Bay Press-Gazette:

Mike Williams of Green Bay thinks the gap between science and religion is smaller than most people think it is. “Christianity is more scientific than most people think it is, and evolution is more religion than most people think,” said Williams. He was one of about 65 educators who listened to a presentation on “Creation vs. Evolution: The Scientific Evidence” Thursday to kick off a four-day conference sponsored by Bethel Baptist Church, Allouez.

You can read the entire article at: Green Bay Press Gazette—Presentation examines ‘Creation vs. Evolution’

I had to get up early this morning to travel to Faith Church of the Valley in Chandler, Arizona, where I’ll be speaking two times. I have been told that a number of churches have called the host church to tell them various people will be coming to the services—they are expecting overflow crowds.

I will then eat lunch with Marion Taylor and her husband. Marion directed the ministry Films for Christ for many years. This was the ministry that made the well-known film The Genesis Solution that helped popularize the message of the relevance of creation across the US and other parts of the world. They filmed me for this production back in 1986. Also at lunch will be Paul and Star Taylor—they run the website.

Thanks for stopping by and keep praying!


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