A new dinosaur

by Ken Ham on January 28, 2006

Today Mally and I drove up to Henpeck, Ohio, where Buddy and Kay Davis live. Buddy Davis is our dinosaur sculptor and a singer. He also speaks and runs special workshops for children.

Buddy showed us the new dinosaur he is working on—saltasaurus. This one will be for outside the Creation Museum building. He also finished another T. rex head. (See the attached photographs showing a drawing of saltasaurus and Buddy’s partially complete model.)

We then spent the afternoon going over the dozen or so songs for Buddy’s new album that will be released in the first half of this year.


Mally and I then drove on to Zanesville this evening for the three-day AiG conference featuring Dr. Jason Lisle, Buddy Davis, and myself.

Thanks for stopping by, and please pray for the conference.


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