Russian and Ukrainian Visitors

Many supporters of the Answers in Genesis ministry are aware of the translation of Ken Ham’s Foundations DVD set into Russian two years ago. Since that time thousands of these DVD talks have been replicated and distributed through many Russian-speaking countries. This Russian translation was possible because of our partnership with our great friends at the Slavic Gospel Association.

Last week I was privileged to host at the Creation Museum some very special guests from Russia and Ukraine. One of our key Russian translators, Sergei Omelchenko, and his wife Lydia came to the museum with Dr. Valery Antonyuk and his wife Anya. Dr. Antonyuk is president of the Ukrainian Baptist Union. Sergei is the chief Russian translator for Slavic Gospel Association and translates many books, including the MacArthur Study Bible. It was a truly special occasion to take these very important guests through the museum and also to discuss the options of translating more Answers in Genesis materials into both Russian and Ukrainian. In fact, we are currently working with the Slavic Gospel Association to translate many of our pocket guides into Russian to be distributed in addition to the DVD series.

Antonyuk and Omelchenko

(Left to right) Dr. Valery Antonyuk and wife Anya, their driver, Lydia (wife) and Sergei Omelchenko

Given the troubles in Ukraine at present, hosting Dr. Antonyuk and Sergei together was a great blessing. Dr. Antonyuk advised that the challenges in the Ukraine have indeed strengthened the evangelical believers who are finding great opportunities to reach out with the gospel to hurting people ready to hear a message of hope. It was uplifting to hear that in the face of hardship, God is strengthening His people in gospel mission.

After taking these special people through the museum and seeing their reactions to the facility and its message, I have become more emboldened to do all I can to lead our Answers in Genesis Worldwide team in equipping the Russian-speaking people with real answers for a questioning and hurting world. I was also advised that our tracts recently translated into Russian are being distributed along with mercy packages to hurting families. Hearing about the efforts of these translations culminating in such a widespread distribution of the gospel message through creation evangelism is cause for great thanksgiving. Praise God that He has raised not only the Answers in Genesis and Slavic Gospel Association ministries to help the international church, but also for the many translators and people on the ground all over the world to use these materials for evangelism and discipleship.

Keep a watch on our Answers Worldwide web page and blog to hear about many more great international initiatives in translations, conferences, and ministry around the world. Please also consider supporting our worldwide efforts to support the international church to defend God’s Word and point more people to the truth of Jesus.

Thank you for joining us as we equip the church for the global mission of the gospel.




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