Writings by eighteenth-century romantic poets anticipated today’s cultural attack on family, marriage, and religion in the name of freedom, justice, and authenticity.
I spoke with Karina Altman, an animal presenter at Answers in Genesis. It was nice to interview an experienced zookeeper who can also speak to being a Christian student at a secular university.
How do the fascinating flowers at the Creation Museum’s Botanical Gardens remind us of the gospel? Let’s take a stroll with the gardens’ curator to find out.
I swept up a knife and leaned toward the cardboard box. I already knew what lay inside, but that didn’t stop the skitter of anticipation as I scored the tape.
This poem, which I penned to procrastinate studying for exams during college, offers a genuine glimpse into student life—and into students’ need for prayer.
From Canadian “culture shock” to answered prayers, here are some memorable moments from the first days of my journey to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum.