Rock Layers—Evidence of Millions of Years or a Global Flood?

Short Answers to Big Questions: Part 7

by Bryan Osborne on June 17, 2016

Either most rock layers were laid down slowly and are evidence for millions of years, or they were deposited catastrophically and are dynamic testimony of Noah’s Flood. It should be immediately obvious that these two interpretations are mutually exclusive. So which explanation do the features of the rock layers confirm?

  1. Rock layers around the world cover large portions of continents or even multiple continents. (Best explained by the Flood)
  2. Between many of the rock layers, there is no evidence of slow erosion, soil, or topography. (Confirms the Flood)
  3. In these rock layers, fossilized tracks, ripples, and raindrops are found. These features only form on soft sediment and would only be preserved by rapid burial by subsequent layers of sediments. (Confirms the Flood)
  4. Fossilized tracks tend to be in rock layers below where the actual fossilized critters are found in higher rock layers; this implies that the critters were trying to avoid burial as rock layers were being deposited quickly during the Flood. (Confirms the Flood)
  5. There is practically no evidence of bioturbation (evidence that life had time to churn through the sediments) within the rock layers. (Confirms the Flood)
  6. In many places around the world, multiple successive rock layers are curved and bent, sometimes dramatically, in the same way together. This evidence strongly implies that these layers were laid down in quick succession and then bent all together before they had time to dry and harden. (Confirms the Flood)
  7. Polystrate fossils are found around the world. These are fossils that required multiple rock layers to bury them—a real problem if one believes each of those layers took millions of years to be deposited. (Confirms the Flood)
  8. We observe billions of dead things called fossils, buried in these rock layers that were laid down by water all over the earth. But dead things do not turn to fossils unless they are catastrophically and rapidly buried to protect them from oxygen, bacteria, and scavengers. (Confirms the Flood)

Two other quick things. First, due to the moving waters of Noah’s Flood, one would expect sediment particles (clay, sand, gravel, and so on) to settle in distinct layers based on size, weight, density, and circumference. This is a well-observed phenomenon called Hydrodynamic Sorting. Second, rocks do not take millions of years to form. If water, sediment, and dissolved chemicals are present (conditions extremely likely during Noah’s Flood), then rocks can form quickly.

Attesting to this, a ship’s bell, an ancient clock, and a spark plug have been found encased in rocks. Also, the effects of the eruption of Mount St. Helens produced hundreds of small rock layers in only hours or days. These examples provide great observational evidence that it does not take millions of years to make rock layers (or canyons), just a catastrophe. And to get bigger rock layers, all that’s needed is a bigger catastrophe, like Noah’s Flood!

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