Rocket Science for the Glory of God!

T-Minus 10: Ready for Launch?

by Rob Webb on August 12, 2024

So . . . you’re a Christian and want to be a rocket scientist one day? Or maybe you’re already one and looking to strengthen your faith working in a secular (anti-God) space industry?1 Or maybe you’re a Christian parent raising future rocket scientists and wanting to know how to better equip the next generation to stand on God’s Word? Or maybe you’re a Christian simply curious about what this (cool-looking) book has to offer? If you answered yes to any of these questions . . . then this book is for you!

Or maybe you’re not a Christian, and you’re wondering something like: “How in the world does rocket science relate to Christianity and the Bible?” If so, then don’t worry . . . this book can be for you too! I only ask that you keep an open mind as you navigate through this book. My hope is that it challenges you to reconsider your beliefs toward God and his Word. And, most importantly, I hope that God uses the information in this book to open your eyes to the truth of Christianity—and the saving gospel message of Jesus Christ—so that you can receive everlasting life.2

So (unless you’ve been living under a rock!) I’m sure you’re aware that rocket science, and space exploration in general, is increasingly becoming more popular in our culture at large, starting with Sputnik, which then advanced through the moon landings, space shuttle, International Space Station (ISS), and so on. And of course, the recent rise in popularity coincides with the rapid increase in space technology over the past few decades, as private companies (like SpaceX, Blue Origin, and others) are continuing to break the boundaries of “what’s possible” in our pursuit of exploring the heavens.

No doubt, there have been many books written on rocket science—with just about all of them from a secular view. But how many of them are written from a biblical view? As of writing this, there likely aren’t many (in fact, none that I know of) that address the field of rocket science through a truly biblical worldview (i.e., through the “lens” of Scripture). And yet, one of the leading pioneers of rocket technology, Werner von Braun, was a creationist! But I pray that trend changes soon . . . starting with this book! That said, the purpose of this book is to give you a starting point in understanding rocket science from a biblical perspective and how to defend your faith in a currently secular space industry—standing on the authority of God’s Word.

First, we’ll begin with some of my testimony and experience as a Christian working in the modern space industry. Next, we’ll briefly discuss the history of rocket science to show how Christians paved the way for rocket science in the twentieth century. We’ll also go over the biblical view of space exploration and why Christians need not be afraid of it but rather should embrace the exciting upcoming opportunities to explore God’s creation in the heavens.

The Bible alone provides the foundation for rocket science.

After that, we’ll shift gears to discussing how the Bible alone provides the foundation for rocket science (as it does for every field of science!). Then, I’ll provide a “guide” that helped me survive (and thrive!) as a Christian in a secular industry, along with a short message for my atheist neighbors. Finally, we’ll wrap up with a brief chapter on some practical next steps to becoming a rocket scientist.

This book will also provide three appendixes with extra information. In Appendix A, we’ll discuss the laws of thermodynamics (which are essential to rocket science!) and how they confirm the Bible. In Appendix B, you’ll see the biblical explanation of why space aliens (extraterrestrials) do not exist and how this belief in aliens undermines biblical authority. In Appendix C, I show how GPS (Global Positioning System) debunks the “flat earth” myth and why people need to stay away from that deceptive movement.

Ready for launch? We are taking back the field of rocket science—to the glory of God!

Rocket Science Confirms the Bible

A guide for young adults interested in rocket science.

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  1. Note, when I use the term “space industry” in this book, this applies not just to NASA but also to the following three major sectors: satellites, ground equipment, and the launch vehicle industry. Also note that not every part of the space industry is thoroughly secular (i.e., there are still some Christians, but they’re definitely not the majority in the industry today). Based on my experience, though, this is generally the case.
  2. To learn more about the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ, go here:


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