Last August the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved selling the morning-after pill, or “Plan B,” without a prescription to women over 18 years of age.
Over the years, circumstantial evidence has suggested that the remains of Noah’s Ark have been found on the mountains of Ararat in Turkey.
Last year marked the 25th anniversary of the discovery of HIV/AIDS. The deadly pandemic virus has been responsible for more than 25 million deaths.
Blessed with extraordinary oratorical skills and considerable charm, parliamentarian William Wilberforce could have made a strong bid to become prime minister of Great Britain 200 years ago.
In his new book The Language of God, a famous scientist and evangelical has written the following about the human genome and science in general
Who would have thought that February 12, Darwin’s birthday, would be a religious “holiday”?
This issue discusses topics such as gender equality, abortion, the origin of oil, racism, mand more.
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