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    Where Are All the Bunny Fossils?
    March 6, 2009

    If most of the fossil record was laid down all at once by the global Flood, then why are rabbits found only in “recent” Tertiary and Quaternary sediments?

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    Listen to the Rocks
    Feb. 27, 2009

    A reader accuses AiG of only publishing “inaccurate emails” and also claims that the rocks “conclusively show” that the worldwide Flood is false. Bodie Hodge, AiG–U.S., responds.

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    A Question of Authorship
    Feb. 13, 2009

    It’s a question almost everyone asks: how do we know the Bible is God’s Word? Dr. Jason Lisle, AiG–US, tackles this complex issue.

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    So Old You Can See It
    Feb. 6, 2009

    The earth is so old that anyone can see it, right? Bodie Hodge, AiG–U.S., helps a reader see how dating techniques such as carbon dating do not prove the earth is old.

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    Why Won’t God Heal Amputees?
    Jan. 30, 2009

    A surprising often-asked question is “why doesn’t God heal amputees”? Peter Galling and John UpChurch join in answering this alleged problem.

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    Morality Paradox
    Jan. 16, 2009

    Countries where evolution is generally accepted often show great acts of charity. Does this mean that morality doesn’t require God?

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    And the Winner Is . . .
    Jan. 9, 2009

    After a close race, the readers’ choice for the best feedback of 2008 is . . .

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    Pick the Best of 2008
    Jan. 2, 2009

    AiG needs your help to pick the best feedback response of 2008.

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    Too Many Theories?
    Dec. 12, 2008

    Are competing models a bad thing for scientific research? A longtime reader of the site breaks the silence and challenges AiG with what the “evidence shows.” Bodie Hodge, AiG–U.S., responds.

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    Put the Bible Down
    Dec. 5, 2008

    Why are Christians expected to remove the Bible from the argument when skeptics can use any line of reasoning they wish? Dr. Jason Lisle, AiG–U.S., addresses this and more.

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    Giving Thanks
    Nov. 28, 2008

    In celebration of Thanksgiving, Answers in Genesis wants to show our thanks for our many supporters who stand by us in earnest prayer and who share thoughts of encouragement with us.

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    Why Didn’t God Respect Cain’s Offering?
    Nov. 21, 2008

    What is the ultimate reason God respected Abel’s offering and not Cain’s?

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    A Life Sentence?
    Nov. 14, 2008

    In Genesis 6:3, did God erroneously say that he would limit humans to 120 years?

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    What About Other Views?
    Nov. 7, 2008

    What do we think about “other creationisms”?

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    A Matter of Days?
    Oct. 31, 2008

    If Jesus was in the grave for three days and three nights, then how could He have been crucified on Friday? Paul Taylor, AiG–U.K., and Bodie Hodge, AiG–U.S., examine the issue.

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    Does the Majority Rule?
    Oct. 24, 2008

    Since the majority of scientists believe in evolution, should this “majority opinion” matter to the Bible-believer?

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    A Class Act?
    Oct. 17, 2008

    A college biology professor triumphantly tells his class that it’s evolution or the highway. Too bad he didn’t examine his arguments first.

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    Searching for Truth
    Oct. 10, 2008

    What is the nature of truth? Can facts be refuted by science? Roger Patterson, AiG–U.S., addresses an attack on his book series Evolution Exposed.

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    Literally Hurting the Gospel?
    Oct. 3, 2008

    Is teaching a straightforward Genesis divisive? Absolutely. Is this unexpected? Not according to Christ.

  • Feedback Article
    A Rock So Big . . .
    Sept. 26, 2008

    Can God create a rock so big that He can’t lift it? Bodie Hodge, AiG–U.S., shows how to demolish this argument.

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    A Simple Answer
    Sept. 19, 2008

    Can a simple “yes or no” answer be adequate for a question about Adam and Eve’s genetic code and today’s human traits?

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    What Do Christians Have to Say about Homosexual Behavior?
    Sept. 12, 2008

    How can a Christian discuss this difficult topic with others in a Godly way? Or should we even be discussing it at all?

  • Feedback Article
    Who Was the Serpent?
    Sept. 5, 2008

    Although Genesis does not mention the name “Satan” as controlling the serpent in the Garden of Eden, we can ascertain who this serpent was.

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    We Heard You!
    Aug. 29, 2008

    You flooded us with email about our first-ever VBS, Amazon Expedition. Stacia McKeever, AiG-U.S., wants you to know that we heard you and to announce the VBS for 2009. Get ready to launch.


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