NCSU’s recent research revealed an “oversight in a radioisotope dating technique used to date everything from meteorites to geologic samples.”
Beneath Noah’s Ark illustrations and toys is a faulty assumption that the creatures on Noah’s Ark looked like the ones we see today.
Returning to the Creation Museum on Saturday for a third visit were members of the Duggar family, the famous reality-TV family with 19 children.
Saccorhytus is, the authors believe, the oldest and simplest known deuterostome, the evolutionary forebear of all vertebrates and some invertebrates.
A healthy body requires more than working parts. Somehow they must work together for optimum performance.
While it’s often swept under the rug, we shouldn’t dismiss the amazing design found in soil particulates.
Some realities of nature are so common that we don’t even stop to ask why. Like round trees.
Last week’s ruling by a court in Bristol, convicting two street preachers of a public order offence, is another example of the loss of freedom of speech.
Bill Nye: Science Guy is premiering March 12, 2017. We decided, in response to this film, to have our own documentary event.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.