From both inside and outside the church, the Darwinian revolution changed the hearts and minds of generations concerning biblical authority.
The bitterest pill to swallow for any Christian who attempts to “make peace” with Darwin is the presumed animal ancestry of man.
Bill Nye is not that perceived kid-friendly personality anymore, and I encourage you to keep your children far away from his material.
Evolution is a framework built on assumptions about the past—assumptions that will never have direct, first-hand, observational proof.
Interpretation of the Hebrew word yom in Genesis 1–2 has become one of the most contested issues among professing Christians and Jews.
Many parasitoid wasps optimize the reception for their larvae by injecting venom that disables the host insect’s immune system or changes its behavior.
One of the big dangers in sharing our faith is to get sidetracked. It helps to acknowledge areas of agreement before getting into the deeper issues.
The Scopes trial pitted William Jennings Bryan against Clarence Darrow in a confrontation over the teaching of evolution and creation in the public schools.
Scientists report the biochemical footprint of a particular sugar polymer—a type that modern humans cannot make—has been found in an ancient African fossil.
Chronological teaching is a proven way to address biblical illiteracy. The author of this article taught Bible history in public schools for 13 years.
Evolutionists seek to explain the origin of species from a single, hypothetical, primordial life-form by means of progressive change and natural selection.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.