We Now Grieve with a Texas Church

by Ken Ham on November 6, 2017

Two years ago I wrote about the horrible massacre committed by a racist inside a Charleston, South Carolina, church. Now another church massacre has happened, this time with even more death and carnage. Today we are praying for the families and friends of the 26 people killed and 20 wounded during a worship service yesterday at First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas.

Violence against anyone is terrible for all of us to witness. It was heart wrenching to watch TV newscasts reporting on the violence directed at a church where people were gathered on a Sunday morning to worship God. As is often the case during times like this, many people are asking, How could a loving God allow such a terrible thing to happen, especially inside a church?

How could a loving God allow such a terrible thing to happen, especially inside a church?

I’ve already been tweeting about the shocking massacre, observing that the world “groaned” (Romans 8) even louder yesterday. Indeed, we live in a groaning world because of sin. The only way to start to make sense of a world full of death (though with a remnant of the original beauty of a once-perfect creation) is to begin in Genesis and understand its teachings regarding the origin of sin and death as recorded in Genesis 3.

While we recognize that terrible things will happen in our sin-cursed world and though we are reminded once again of the devastating consequences due to our sin in Adam, nevertheless our hearts are broken (Romans 7:24) as we grieve with our brothers and sisters in Sutherland Springs, Texas.

All of us at Answers in Genesis will be praying for all those affected in this horrible shooting.


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